Chapter One

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Hello everyone. I have decided to write a new fanfiction now that I have completed my first one. Please check out my other story as well. This story is about the batfamily. I do not own any of the characters or places in this story, all credit goes to DC Comics.

Bruce's POV
I groaned as I slowly sat up. My head hurt and I felt like I was going to hurl. "Dad! Are you alright? Jason! Tim! Dad's awake!" a man with bright blue eyes yelled. Two other boys ran over to where I was sitting. "Dad, are you ok?" a young boy asked quietly.

"Yeah, old man how are you doing. You've been sleeping for a week now." a young man with green eyes said. I blinked, confused, who in the world were these people. I don't remember ever being a dad. "Where's Alfred?" I asked.

"Oh, he's upstairs. Timmy can you go get him?" the blue eyed man asked. "Timmy" nodded and ran into the shadows of the room. "If you don't mind me asking where am I and who are you?" I asked. The two young men's faces showed surprise. "Your in the Batcave and we're your sons. I'm Dick, he's Jason, and the kid who just went to get Alfred was Tim," Dick said nervously, "Don't you remember us?" Suddenly I felt pain in my head. I rubbed my temples to try to expel the pain. "How are you Master Bruce?" Alfred asked appearing beside the bed.

"I'm fine Alfred, just really confused," I reply.

"Alfred! Dad doesn't remember us! How can he not remember us!" Jason yelled. Alfred looked alarmed and began to question the young men. "What in the world are you speaking of Master Jason? Master Bruce has not forgotten who he is so he shouldn't have forgotten you." Alfred murmured.

"I don't know Alfie, he just asked where he was and who we are. I don't think Dad remembers his sons or the fact that he's Batman," Dick said sadly.

Alfred walked back to Bruce, "Master Bruce can you tell me why you became the Batman."

"What is a Batman?" I asked, "I don't know where I am. But I'm positive I must get back to Ra's Al Ghul to complete my training."

Alfred's​ eyebrows raised in alarm. He turned to face the Wayne brothers. "Please tell me that I am hallucinating. I believe I heard Master Wayne mention training with the infamous Ra's Al Ghul,"

"No, he definitely said that Alfred. Maybe it's Ra's that caused Bruce to forget. Last week he said something about investigating the League of Assassins." Tim said walking over to the bat computer.

"If the League and Ra's is to blame for this I will personally murder them," Jason growled.

"Calm down Jaybird we can't make assumptions just yet. Maybe we should just....uh....restrain Bruce from running off to go train," Dick said warily.

"Already done," Tim said standing beside a handcuffed Bruce Wayne.

"Uncuff me kid or else," I growled.

"Sorry, old man but we can't do that," Jason said.

I groaned as I felt a sharp pain through my head. Images of a small boy removing the tires from my car flashed through my mind. "Jason....." I mutter. As Jason looks me in the eyes the images begin to fade.

"Did you say my name?" Jason asked. Dick and Tim looked at one another. "Yes.....I thought....something," I say confused. Jason and Dick share a look and begin to walk away from the cell. Tim gives me a quick glance before turning around and joining the other boys. I turned my head and began to read their lips as they spoke. "Do you think he's remembering?" Tim said.

"I think he's remembering a little but not everything," Dick said rubbing his temples.

"I must of brought something that made him remember. All I did was say that we couldn't free him," Jason commented.

"It has to be something you said though. He mentioned your name and tires. That's how you first met Dad in the first place. Wait.....I got it. You called Dad, old man. You do that all the time it must've brought a memory of you to his mind," Tim exclaimed.

"Timmy is onto something. If we continue to bring up things we've done or said it might restore Dad's memory," Dick said.

Jason nods his head slowly, "As long as it gets the old Bruce Wayne back. As long as it gets Dad back."

I see them slowly walk back towards me. "I know you probably know everything we said. We're going to get your memory back. It may be painful or it may not be. We have no clue. But, we need to know if you will allow us to help you. Cause if you refuse than we're probably going to have to put more cuffs on you," Dick said.

I sat there for a few minutes trying to decide the best decision. Something within my mind was telling me to go back to The League of Assassins and complete my training. But, my heart was telling me an entirely different story. Deep down inside my heart something is telling me I need to remember. I need to remember because these boys are something to me. They're something that meant the world to my heart, once upon a time. After a few more seconds I answered, "I want to remember you. I feel like there is something important missing. I believe it needs to be returned. You boys are a part of the puzzle that is my mind and heart." The boys exchanged glances and small smiles appeared on their faces. "Maybe we should start with everything you currently remember," Tim says.

I nod my head, "I remember Alfred, Wayne Enterprises, the death of my parents, and Ra's Al Ghul's League of Assassins."

"You don't remember anything about Batman, the Justice League, Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood?" Dick asked.

"Not at all," I say confused.

"It seems that you only lost memories of becoming Batman. After you became Batman, you became a member of the JL and got Dick as your partner," Tim said. My face shows complete confusion. "We've got our work cut out for us," Dick said.

"You think. How the heck are we supposed to make the Batman remember the Batman?!" Jason said annoyed.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.

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