Chapter Four

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I'm sorry for taking so long to update! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!

Tim's POV

I sat in front of the Bat computer typing away. I thought I found a lead as to why Dad forgot everything. But, it didn't check out. I had made no progress in the mystery as to how Dad had forgotten so much. All I know is that his investigation of the League of Assassins, didn't go as planned. It lead to him being found nearly dead in the middle of the mountains by Dick, being in a coma for a week after returning home, and forgetting about Batman as soon as he woke up. I grumbled quietly, I'm supposed to be a great detective. But, apparently, I'm not that great if I can't find a single clue. Maybe it's because it hits so close to home. Bruce Wayne adopted me and became my father after my parents died. If he wasn't there for me I don't know where I would be now. He gave me a purpose and a family that I could love. I don't know if I can carry on if I loose another father. I searched for another 30 minutes before I decided to contact the League for assistance. I finished contacting the Justice League per Dick's request. I sighed as I read the reply from the League: We will be there as soon as possible. I shut down the Bat computer and stood up. I need to clear my head before I start searching again. I slowly move away from the Bat computer and head to the staircase that lead out of the Bat Cave. I walk up the staircase and soon enough I arrive in the Wayne Manor study. I close the entrance to the Cave and walk to the kitchen. Bruce is leaning against the counter and talking to Alfred as he makes cookies. I try to grab an apple from the refrigerator before they notice me. "Master Timothy....why are you sneaking around like that?" Alfred asked. Great, I've been seen. " reason Alfred. I'm just uh...getting a snack before I get back to work." I reply slowing moving towards the door. 

Alfred nods his head, "If you don't mind Master Timothy I have to go do some cleaning upstairs. Can you please put the cookie dough on a tray and put it in the oven? And Master Bruce if you could please assist Master Timothy with preheating the oven?" I groaned in my head, I really don't want to be in a room with Bruce at the moment. It hurts to have your father say he doesn't remember anything about you. I don't need to experience anymore of that pain. But, I can't say no to Alfred. "Sure Alfred. You can count on me." I said with a phony smile. Bruce silently nods his head and in an instant Alfred leaves the kitchen. I get to work on placing the dough on the tray as Bruce goes and preheats the oven. So far so good. "So, your Tim. Alfred tells me you are the detective of the group. Those skills are praised by Ra's Al Ghul. I believe that you would make a great addition to the League of Assassins." Bruce said. I stiffen and try to continue as if I didn't hear him. "Nonetheless I won't be returning to the League anytime soon. I still want to try to remember the life you all say I lived." I finished placing the dough on the tray and opened the oven. I slid the tray into the oven and closed it. I looked at Bruce and sighed, "I'm sorry but I'd prefer not to talk..."

Bruce looked at me and grimaced, "I understand that me not remembering you is causing you pain. And I apologize for that. But, pain is something you must overcome. Overcoming pain is the first thing Ra's Al Ghul taught me. Now. I am teaching it to you." I resisted the urge to punch him in the face. All he does is mention Ra's Al Ghul, where is the man that became my father. He's clearly been replaced with a loyal teacher's pet. "Dick said you remembered somethings. You remembered us as a family, but your still Ra's lapdog. How is that possible?" I say.

"I am remembering, slowly. Even if I begin to remember my family and the Batman, it still doesn't change the fact that I have to fulfill my duties as the heir to the Demon's Head. I swore on my life to be an unwavering member of the League, that isn't going to change," Bruce replied. I couldn't stand him going on and on about the League and Ra's. I snapped at him, "Remember goddammit! Your not the heir to a group of assassins. Your Batman! A hero! I'm Robin! I'm your partner! I'm Tim Drake! I'm the kid you adopted after his parents died. You were there for me when no one else was!  And now, now you can't remember your own family! The people you love!" Bruce looked at me in a dazed look before gripping his head in pain. "D-Dad!? Are you okay!?" I said frantically. After a few seconds Bruce stopped gripping his head and had a confused look on his face. Almost a second later, Bruce walked over to me and hugged me. I stiffened for a second before returning the hug. We stayed like that for a good few minutes before I pulled away. "Why did you hug me?" I asked confused. Bruce gave me a small smile, "A memory came back to me after you yelled at me."

I looked at him sheepishly, "Sorry. I usually don't snap at people. I guess I'm just a bit stressed."

Bruce shook his head, "Don't be sorry. If you didn't blow up like that, I would never have remembered."

"What did you remember?" I ask, curious.

Bruce answered, "The time when you approached me about being Robin. And the time I adopted you as my son"

I grin, "Those were one of the greatest days of my life. I finally had a purpose. I finally had a family I could love again. And you were the one who gave those things to me"

"I'm glad I could give you those things. It's made you into a pretty talented person, at least according to what Alfred has said about you. And I'm sorry about going on and on about Ra's Al Ghul. I don't know what came over me." Bruce replied.

I nodded, "It's alright. It is kinda odd though. Maybe there's something wrong with your brain. When the Justice League get here, Martian Manhunter can have a look at what's going on with your memories. Until then, we have to try to recover as much of your memories as possible and try to help you avoid speaking about the League of Assassins. Bruce agreed and looked at me. I looked back at him, "Don't worry Dad. We'll get your memories back. Somehow."

Bruce replied with a small grin, "I don't doubt you'll find a way. Your Robin after all. Thank you, Tim, I don't know if I would remember anything without your help. It's just like you said, Batman needs a Robin."

Thanks for reading!!!!! I hope you enjoyed!!! Please comment, vote, add my story to your library/reading lists, and follow me!

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