Chapter Seventeen

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Hello! Another chapter for you all. This is going to be a tad bit shorter than the other chapters. The boys and Bruce are all in the batwing heading to Nanda Parbat. I'm going to attempt to finish this book before school starts. No promises though because I want to give you very good and not rushed chapters.

Bruce's POV

I shake my head as the boys bicker about who should be flying. Jason rolls his eyes, "Move over, replacement. You can't fly the ship. I don't trust you. Plus, you're the youngest out of all of us. We're all more experienced than you."

"Lies. I'm a way better pilot than you, Jason. You're so reckless and you don't pay attention. You would probably kill us all if you fly the Batwing," Tim replies his hands on the controls.

"How about I fly? I don't trust Jason. And no offense, Tim, but you're still learning to fly. I think it would be best if I control the Batwing," Dick says.

"Shut up, Dickhead! I am more than trustworthy!" Jason exclaims, "Move your fat ass out of the pilot's seat replacement."

"I'm not a fat ass. You're the fat ass. Leave me alone. I need to focus on flying!" Tim retorts.

"Why do you have to be so mean to one another? We're brothers let's settle this calmly," Dick says.

Both boys look at Dick before yelling, "Shut up!!!" After that, the three guys are at it once more. They start to bicker and the Batwing begins to tilt in one direction. I frown as the volume increases. "Stop! If you haven't noticed the entire ship is tilting and is continuing to tilt as you argue..." I say in a loud voice. All of the boys' eyes widen as they take in my words. They all reach out for the controls and position the Batwing in the proper position. Since all of them reached out for the controls, they begin to push and shove one another. I feel the ship shift and buck a little. I scowl, "Boys! Stop acting like you are two years old. Decide on who is flying the ship right now, or I'll fly us to Nanda Parbat." The boys all close their mouths and stop pushing one another. "Wait, do you even remember how to fly the Batwing?" Dick asks.

I shake my head, "No, I don't. Which is all the more reason for you to decide who flies the ship." The boys all give one another looks before quickly discussing who would be the pilot. Eventually, they decide to allow Dick to fly the ship. The other boys sit down in the passenger seats. Jason is sharpening his daggers and Tim is typing something out on his holo-gloves. Dick seems completely focused as he steers the ship. I sigh, I am going to miss all of this. I had very little hope on getting my memories returned. There is a chance, but it's slim. I would most likely end up returning to the League of Assassins. "Boys. If things start to turn south, I want you to leave. Even if you aren't able to get my memories returned. I want you all to go back home and leave me there," I say in a stern tone.

"But, Bruce, we can't do that. We would never forgive ourselves if we left you behind. We can't just give up," Tim says.

I shake my head, "You will learn to forgive yourselves. You boys have tried so hard to bring back my memories. If things don't work out, I want you all to go home. I want you to live your lives out. Support one another and be yourselves. Most of all I want you to be happy. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'm happy whenever you are all safe."

Jason scoffs, "Stop talking like your about to die any minute. Or like we're going to lose. We aren't. We're going to bring your memories back."

Dick nods, "I have to agree. We haven't even reached Nanda Parbat yet. Have a bit more confidence, Dad. We'll get your memories back, you'll see."

I sigh, "Boys. Just promise me. You'll continue with your lives if this doesn't work out."

"Promise..." Tim mutters.

"I don't make promises...." Jason says. Dick doesn't say anything and only nods his head. I sigh, I just want them to live their lives. They shouldn't have to worry about me. "We'll get your memories back," Dick says in a strong voice, "We came here to get your memories returned. We won't leave until they are. We aren't going to fail this mission." We all look at Dick, shocked at his words. "How can you be so confident, Dick?" Tim asks.

He shrugs, "I don't know. I guess its cause I know who we are and what we can do as a team."

"What the hell does that mean?" Jason asks.

"It means we're the freaking Batfamily. We can do anything," Dick replies with a cheeky grin.

"I doubt any of us are invincible," I say with a frown.

"Maybe not. But, we can do anything together," Dick replies, "Bullets, knives, crazies, anything that comes our way. We've been able to handle it. This isn't any different."

"That is some cheesy ass shit...." Jason says rolling his eyes.

"I thought it was rather nice," Tim says.

Jason shakes his head, "Of course you would. Did you say rather nice? Who the hell says that?"

Tim glares at him, "Me. Do you not like the way I speak? Maybe, it's because I'm more eloquent than you are."

"I speak very good English, thank you very much," Jason replies.

"Sure..." Tim says dryly.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Jason exclaims. The two begin to bicker about grammar and vocabulary. I can't help, but smile at their antics. They would be fine without me. I know they will. "We're here...." Dick says suddenly. The boys instantly stop arguing and get out of their seats. Dick carefully lands the Batwing and he opens the door. We all exit and make our way to the entrance. When we arrive, I glance at the boys. They look back at me for a second before staring at the door with a steely gaze. It's now or never.

I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! It's a bit shorter than the last few. I really am trying to finish this story up before school starts, but I'm not sure I can. Nonetheless I will have another update for you all soon. Please comment, vote, follow me, and add this story to your library. Have a good day everyone!

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