Who are you?

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     Once again I am here. Please correct me if you find any spelling or grammar mistakes, because there will probably be A LOT! I may or may not also be very lazy in updating I'm sorry! 😣

     Warning: There might be swearing. Or as formal people call it profanity. Posting this warning every time I update is going to get very annoying so I am going to say it now. There will be swearing in this story! Thank you, now you can go enjoy the story.

     When Naruto woke up he felt like he just ran to hell and back! (AKA it hurt way more than anything should). After finally pushing himself off of his bed, (if it could even be called that) he slowly made his way to his private bathroom. Now don't start saying stuff like He's so privileged I don't have a private bathroom! and other stuff like that let me explain. He has a private bathroom because his parents can't stand the sight of him. He started cleaning all his wounds, cringing the whole time. After he finally bandaged everything he washed his face and left. Naruto slowly walked down the stairs silently praying that his parents wouldn't hear him. But just his luck, when he stepped off of the stairs the floor boards creaked. 

     Damn it! Naruto grew up being called things worse than demon so he picked up a few swear words along the way. He could feel a demonic presence behind him. He slowly turned around just like in a cliché horror movie. Not that he'd ever seen one of course.

     "What are you doing in my house Kyuubi." Kushina said the word Kyuubi with clear killing intent.

     "Oh, hey mom!" Naruto said with a smile on his face. He could feel her hand hitting the side of his face hard. He fell to the ground due to the sheer willpower and strength behind that single blow.

     "I am NOT your mom you demon. Stop pretending to be my son!" When she finished her monologue she stalked off. But not before throwing a glare at poor Naruto. Naruto was still shaking from the harsh slap but slowly got up and walked out the front door. As he was walking he kept to the alleyways and abandoned streets. But it seems luck isn't on Naruto's side today once again as wherever Naruto went he always ran into villagers whispering and talking about him loud enough so he could hear their cruel and harsh words. He could feel the tears running down his face. 

     When he finally got to his destination he climbed into the tall tree that he hollowed out earlier over the period of time once he found said tree. Inside he kept a bunch of kunai and shuriken. Inside the tree he also had a couple blankets so that if he accidentally fell asleep it wouldn't be so uncomfortable. It turns out that it might be too comfortable you see, when Naruto was rearranging the blankets he himself ended up falling asleep!

I just realized that I never said Naruto's current age. 😶 ahahaha Anyway Naruto's current age is 5 so he still has around seven more years before he joins team seven.

Look! 535 words! Anyway, good bye fellow readers!

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