#imagination sample

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     Hello! I'm sorry for being gone so long but I had a lot of stuff going on. So to makeup for not being here so you guys wont kill me heres a sample of the next chapter. So without further ado

Read on!


"It's me. The kyuubi."

The young boy looked up at the horrendous beast confused. Was it saying something that was supposed to be of importance to him? He quickly started wondering if he was doing something wrong by not understanding, so like any young child would do, he started asking the giant beast in front of him questions.

"What are you?" The young boy asked.

"Why I'm the nine tailed beast brat." Underneath his breath he quietly muttered to himself. 'What are they teaching these brats nowadays?' (A/N I don't know man. I don't know.)

"Nine tailed...wait, you mean the nine tailed beast that attacked the village?" You see even though Naruto played the part of an idiot during his every day life, he really was a smart child. You see, that's the problem with humans. They only look on the surface and usually don't notice what's under that. Those people who do, are either hailed as hero's or scorned upon as failures. Now let's continue looking over upon this odd conversation.

"But..how are you still alive? I thought Mr. Fourth hokage killed you?"

The kyuubi dead-panned before finally speaking.

"Now I'm really worried about humanity....... Kid, do you really think that I the great nine tailed beast would be defeated by a mere puny human. If so than, WRONG!" Like any other child who was just told that one of humanity's greatest threats was still alive and not killed, and was told this BY the threat itself he reacted in an appropriate manner. His eyes widened when it finally clicked and he ran. Just like all the villagers who were running from their problems by attacking him, he ran from the current one in front of him. 

Though little known to him, running would get him nowhere. He was technically running in circles throughout his mind. While the young boy in front of the gigantic beast was running the beast just sighed while watching. 

I hop you enjoyed the sample of whats to come. So sorry that I haven't been updating but I hope that this makes up for it. Ill start updating again but not as frequently as schools started up again. As you might've noticed, I slightly changed my writing style so it adds in more detail. I had this change when I showed my friend my rough draft for the next chapter on my story 'Slug, Teacher, or Criminal?' and she helped me edit it. I ended up noticing that the main thing she noticed was that I don't usually add much detail. Once I read one chapter of her story I was immediately in awe. After that I made it my goal to incorporate more detail into my writing. So, I guess I just have one thing else to saw before I'm done. 

Thank you @xxMapletree so much for always being there......sis.

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