Filler Part 1

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Hello! I apologize for my lack of updates. I would come up with an excuse but in reality we all know that I was just procrastinating. (·_·') I really don't have anything planned but I do have a filler!


(This is before the whole plot thing by the way)

     Naruto was walking around town after the villagers beat him again. While he was walking in an abandoned alleyway he tripped and fell face first onto the concrete. After laying there a while he looked up to see the sun setting. He was too weak to move so he just lay there. After laying there for who knows how long he suddenly heard a voice.

     "Hey, you okay?" He looked up to see a girl with black hair and purple streaks. Thinking about it he realized that she resembled a cat.

     "No. Anyway, who are you?" He replied.

     "Well, I was just walking back home but I saw you here first. Here let me help you up." After looking at the hand she held out for a bit he took it. She pulled him to his feet and when she let go he wobbled a bit.

     "Woah there! Calm down. By the way my name's Kumori."

     "Shadow..." He softly murmured as soon as he heard her name.

     "Yup! That's me! And when I'm older ill be just like what name means! Striking from the shadow!" She said waving her arms around as if to prove a point. He just looked up at her in awe. 

     "Hey! I was just getting ready for some pranks wanna help?" She said.

     "What are...pranks?" Naruto asked hesitantly.

     "You don't know what pranks are! You poor child come I now dub thee as my new partner in crime!" Naruto just looked at her in horror. However he shrugged and went along with it. 

     They ended up pranking almost all of the civilians. All in all, Naruto was introduce to pranks and Kumori got a new partner in crime. It sure was an eventful day!


Hello my minions! I'm sorry but I'm currently brain dead at the time. I do have some ideas but I don't know how they are going to fit together. Also thank you Yuesarutobi for helping me out with ideas! Go have another date with the tree and pole and have a good time! I would do it but Tim my pole cheated on me! You now what I'm gonna stop before I completely break down so, good day!

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