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"It's me. The kyuubi."

The young boy looked up at the horrendous beast confused. Was it saying something that was supposed to be of importance to him? He quickly started wondering if he was doing something wrong by not understanding, so like any young child would do, he started asking the giant beast in front of him questions.

"What are you?" The young boy asked.

"Why I'm the nine tailed beast brat." Underneath his breath he quietly muttered to himself. 'What are they teaching these brats nowadays?' (A/N I don't know man. I don't know.)

"Nine tailed...wait, you mean the nine tailed beast that attacked the village?" You see even though Naruto played the part of an idiot during his every day life, he really was a smart child. You see, that's the problem with humans. They only look on the surface and usually don't notice what's under that. Those people who do, are either hailed as hero's or scorned upon as failures. Now let's continue looking over upon this odd conversation.

"But..how are you still alive? I thought Mr. Fourth hokage killed you?"

The kyuubi dead-panned before finally speaking.

"Now I'm really worried about humanity....... Kid, do you really think that I the great nine tailed beast would be defeated by a mere puny human. If so than, WRONG!" Like any other child who was just told that one of humanity's greatest threats was still alive and not killed, and was told this BY the threat itself he reacted in an appropriate manner. His eyes widened when it finally clicked and he ran. Just like all the villagers who were running from their problems by attacking him, he ran from the current one in front of him.

Though little known to him, running would get him nowhere. He was technically running in circles throughout his mind. While the young boy in front of the gigantic beast was running the beast just sighed while watching. 

"Oi. Brat." The kyuubi was getting bored watching a child run around in circles right in front of him. I mean, after like 6 years living inside of this child's mind you would think that when he finally visited him that he would provide some kind of entertainment wouldn't you?

"Yeah?" Naruto asked while still running around in circles.  "STOP RUNNINGIN CIRCLES WHILE I'M TALKING TO YOU BRAT!" Naruto finally stopped running and the beast sighed. He was getting a headache from watching the boy run. 'How could someone have this much energy?!"

Naruto froze in his tracks after hearing the beast that lives in his head yell at him. While he was shivering in fear he slowly turned around for the build up and amusement of the author. (A/n I mean what? Just pretend that isn't there won't ya?) While Naruto was slowly turning around to face the kyuubi the giant beast just sighed and pages down to take a nap. The young child looked on confused.

"What?" The beast asked annoyed. "Aren't ya gonna try to eat me or something?" "Why would I? It takes to much effort to eat one small scrawny human child thing." "Wait,  so you've tried before?" "What gigantic chakra beast who's been imprisoned in humans for the past 150 years hasn't?" The young child looked slightly disturbed at the thought of that. Than again, who wouldn't? You were just told that the thing that live's inside of your head has tried to eat your own species before. 

 "Anywaaayyy, so why am I here again?" Naruto asked. "Well brat, your here because this is your mindscape. You can come here when your sleeping or when your unconscious if you please. " The kyuubi stated very formally/not. 

"So I essentially have a mansion built into my head!?" Please remember, this is a young child. "Sure kid." Said the kyuubi fed up with the child in front of him. "Now hurry up and wake up so I can go to sleep." Naruto's face fell "Do you....not want me here? I should just leave. I'm just a demon anyway. " "Uhhhh no kid!" Naruto looked up, confused and mildly surprised "huh?" "no no no! I meant ummm that you should wake up so you can go enjoy the many wonders of life! Yeah, that's it!" If you think that small weak speech was enough to wipe away this child's doubts than you are WRONG!

"Are you sure you aren't going to kick me out?" The young child asked still staring wide eyed frightfully at the beast. "For Pete's sake kid. I'M NOT GOING TO KICK YOU OUT!" 'maybe I shouldn't have yelled that' The beast thought after seeing the child's eyes tear up at hearing the kyuubi yell at him.

"Uuuuhhhhhh. Look! A fancy shmancy....book...case?" The kyuubi started saying it in a funny voice at first but soon turned into a confused one. 'Why is there a random bookcase in a 5 year old mind?' The beast was very confused.  First the mindscape was a sewer and next thing you know a bookcase randomly pops up? At this point the humans have changed so much that the kyuubi didn't know what to do.

The beast stretched his tails to the point where he could finally grab the book. He pulled it of the bookcase and slowly read out loud the cover of the book

A/N cliffhanger once again! MWAHAHHAHA SUFFER! Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter.  Any comments are appreciated.

Word count: 1,000

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