XXX Chapter 29 [Broken] XXX

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This book with still be continuing


"(Y/N)... I'm sorry..."


"It's all my fault anyways.."


"Being that damned killer."


"It may seem that your brother is the culprit."


"But, I'm the one who caused their death."


"Killing the ones closest to us-"


"Leaving me to realize that you were Gasters original creation, on who held OVERWRITE." 


"Sacrificing  your life for mine... Kid, You're an idiot." 


"You believe that your sacrifice could bring me down?"


"Sorry kid, Death is never an easy subject, especially to the ones who have experienced losing someone."


"And I'm talking to you, reader. Not the the character on whom you imagine, which is still.. you."

You sat alone, voices whispering into your ears that courage you to hug yourself tightly. You felt tears pour down your cheeks. 

Fear incorporated into your soul, as if you have witnessed death. Oh wait, that death was you. You were in a dark abyss, a never ending void that had nothing else but darkness that started to consume you mentally and physically. 

"Lady (Y/N)..." 

You shut your eyes even tighter, the voices getting louder by the second. 

"Lady (Y/N)..?"

You covered your ears, not accepting to open your eyes, or possibly get brainwashed on whom is talking to you. 

"Why are you upset?" 

You slowly uncovered your ears, your knees aparting from your chest, that keep you confort. You thought to yourself... 

"What's the point of ignoring voices, when you don't even know who they are?"  Your  inner question seemed to be an oxymoron, but you were curious to know who it was.

 You faced the direction on where the voice was talking, as your eyes widen, your breath getting caught in your throat, shock the can make your actions freeze from doing anything. 


You stared at her emotionless face, hinting something else, but it was hard to read. You narrowed your eyes, mouth agape from seeing someone from your original universe. 

"Lady (Y/N), what b-brings you here?" She asked, fighting back from her stuttering. You blinked in confusion. "Lady?"  You repeated. Alphys smirked, eyes narrowing at you, involving seriousness. 

Alphys suddenly bowed down to you, then soon going back into her previous posture. "You are the one who posses OVERWRITE, r-right?" She tugged on her lab coat a bit. 

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