4. A Thief in the Night

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"Oh Addie, thank goodness you're here!" Molly said, hurrying out of Room 413 and rushing to Addie's side. "I've been waiting for you."

"What's going on?" Addie asked, allowing Molly to hug her, but her eyes were already scanning forward, to the endless line of Healers that were flooding into Fred's room, and the cacophony of noise that she could hear from inside. She pulled away, attempting to step towards Room 413. But Molly kept a firm hold on Addie's hand, keeping her there. "Is something wrong? Is Fred okay?" It was amazing how quickly she rose to panic.

"Addie, calm down," Molly urged, still holding tight to Addie's hand. "He's fine."

"Then what's going on?"

"I've been holding them off, dear," Molly said. "They've made a potion that they think might be able to wake Fred up. But I wanted you to be here before they tried it."

"They...they what?" Addie said, sure that she had misheard. Her heart started pounding even harder in her chest, for completely different reasons. "They figured out how Thomas did this to him?" she asked. "They know what's wrong?"

"Well, not exactly," Molly said. "From what they told me, they still don't know. But they're hoping it'll work anyway. They think it'll wake anyone up from a deep enough sleep."

Addie couldn't believe it. It was too good to be true.

"Where's George?" Molly asked. "I wanted him to be here, too."

"He was right behind me," Addie said, turning around to search the empty corridor. "I think he stopped to talk to Halley."

"I'll go fetch him. You go in and make sue they stall until I get back. Arthur's in there, someone should make sure he's still okay."

Addie turned towards the room while Molly hurried down the corridor after her son. Addie pushed through the packed bodies, forcibly making her way to Fred's side. Fred was surrounded by Healers, all of them with wands pointed at his prone figure. A number of spells were being cast, too many for Addie to listen to. She didn't know what was going on. She didn't know if she wanted to understand.

Arthur looked as confused as she did. He was standing between two Healers, Fred's hand clutched in his own. Worry lines creased his face and his mouth was pressed into a thin line. "You really think this will work?" he asked the witch beside him.

"I can't make any promises," the witch said. "But right now it's our best option."

Arthur nodded grimly. He looked up, finally seeing Addie standing on the other side of Fred. "I'm glad you're here," he said. "Did George come, too?"

"Molly's getting him," Addie explained.

Arthur nodded before looking down at his sons face, reaching out with his free hand to run a shaking hand through Fred's hair. "I hope this works," he said quietly. "I need this to work."

The sorrow in his voice was all Addie needed for tears to sprout in her eyes. She fought to hold them back. She couldn't cry over Fred, not when there was finally hope. She needed to be strong. "We all do," she told Arthur gently.

Molly came in with George, who looked as frightened as Addie felt.

"Are you ready to proceed?" a man asked, moving towards the bedroom. The other Healers parted quickly to get out of his way. The man gave off an air of authority. His graying hair was perfectly styled, his white robes perfectly pressed. In his hands he held a small vial of a violently red liquid. It looked wrong, dangerous, and it churned Addie's stomach to think they were going to put that in Fred.

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