13. Abnormal

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"Help me up?" Fred asked. He hadn't moved from his bed all day, complaining that his skull felt like it would split in half every time he lifted his head. Addie had been concerned, but he seemed certain that it was normal. "I've been laying for months," he had said, waving off her worries. "Of course I'm going to have a few problems."

"You sure you're ready to get up now?" Addie asked, hesitantly grabbing his outstretched hand, but not pulling just yet. "You couldn't lift your head fifteen minutes ago."

"I'm going to have to do this sooner or later," he said.

"You could wait until morning," Addie offered.

Fred laughed. "I would, Addie. But I really don't plan on peeing myself. And I think you'll appreciate that, too."

That was all Addie needed. Slowly she raised him into a siting position, pausing there as he gritted his teeth and fought through the pain as the blood rushed down from his head in the first time in months. Getting his legs to move proved another difficulty, but with Addie's help, he was finally able to push up off the bed. She tried not to giggle as she helped him wobble to the bathroom, his long, unsteady legs awkward after so long without use.

She helped him to the toilet, but that was as far as she was willing to go.

"I love you, but I'm not staying here to help you pee. You'll have to figure the rest out yourself." She made sure he had his balance before shutting the door behind her. Addie stood outside the door, listening, hoping that she wouldn't hear any crashes, or worse yet...splashing. Luckily, Fred emerged minutes later, a little more stable on his feet.

"I want to go for a walk," he said, grabbing her hand and leading her out of the room. "I haven't moved in months! I need air!"

He was walking better, although the stairs proved difficult at first. He was still pale, Addie noted, but there a light in his eyes and a smile on his face, and she was willing to be dragged wherever he wanted to go to keep it there. Molly, however, had different ideas.

She was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, tapping her foot, in full mama-bear mode. "Just where do you think you're going?"

"To see if outside has changed," Fred said, moving to pass her. Molly stepped in front, eyebrow raised dangerously.

"No, you're not. You need rest."

"I've done nothing but rest lately!" he said. "I've been resting for..." He paused, eyes widening in horror. "Wait, I actually have no idea how long I've been out. What month is it?"

"It's September 2nd," Addie supplied.

Fred counted on his fingers, his eyes widening further, his mouth gaping in horror. "I've been out for four months!" He turned to his mother. "I literally haven't opened my eyes in four months, and you really expect me to go lay down and close them again? Are you crazy?"

Molly's glower softened. Slightly. "Don't you dare leave the yard. And no shenanigans."

Fred made a crossing motion over his heart. "Promise, mum."

Molly stared him down a second longer before softening and hugging her son. "Addie, watch out for him, please."

"Of course."

The sun was still rising in the sky as Addie and Fred slowly made their way across the lawn, Addie keeping her arm around Fred in case he needed any support. Every minute he seemed to be walking better, as his legs adjusted to the movements again.

"So," Fred said, his breath a little short from the effort. "George told me you met Cutter." Addie couldn't tell if his voice came out a little high because he was worn out from the effort of walking or if he was nervous about it.

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