11. Plan B

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Thomas stared down at the red-haired figure, and Addie could feel his grin even though he couldn't see it. He took his time, his guard down now that Addie was safely out of the way.

Thomas never imagined the figure in the bed opening his eyes, never imagined a pale, freckled hand rising from the sheets, revealing a wand in hand. Thomas was thrown backwards under the power of a Stunning Spell, and the boy in the bed acted fast, quickly disarming Thomas before performing a Counter-curse on Addie. Addie sat up, rubbing her head. "Thanks," she said. "I was worried for a second there." She took his offered hand and he helped her up. The two stared down at Thomas.

Plan A might have failed, but Plan B had worked perfectly.

Thomas had been so focused on Addie, he hadn't even noticed that Fred was missing an ear.

Thomas wasn't nearly as smart as he seemed, Addie thought, if he really thought Addie would put Fred in danger like that. As if Addie would ever let herself be the only defense between Fred and that monster.

George and Addie wasted no time in disarming Thomas and tying him to a chair. Farah came in moments later, taking one look at Thomas and frowning. "I've heard so much about this man," she said, shaking her head. "I never once thought he'd be this young."

"We were best friends in Hogwarts," Addie said. "People change, I guess."

Farah didn't bother to comment, instead getting straight to work. Tying a tourniquet around Thomas's upper arm, she tapped out his veins with a practiced hand. Addie stared at her in disbelief.

"You've done this a couple of times," she noted.

Farah grinned. "I'm absolutely fascinated with muggle medicine. I may have attended a few classes in a muggle college. It's come in handy over the years."

Addie had to look away as Farah took out the needle, and prepared to plunge it into Thomas's arm. The small pinprick was enough to wake Thomas, whose head snapped up suddenly, quickly taking in his situation with a cold and practical gaze. He laughed. "Really? All this work for a little blood. Addie, you should have just asked."

Addie didn't bother giving a response.

Thomas turned to Farah. "So you're the little minx that's been helping Addie," he said slyly. "I knew she couldn't have gotten close on her own. What's your name?"

"You can't possibly expect me to tell you that," Farah grumbled. "Now shut up, or we'll knock you cold again."

Thomas managed to stay silent all of ten seconds. "It won't work you know. Whatever you've concocted won't be enough to heal him."

"Don't underestimate me," Farah said, slipping the needle out of Thomas's arm.

"Oh, I'm not. But you shouldn't underestimate me, either." His eyes flashed up to Addie's. "I meant what I said before, Addie. The only way to cure him is to take him out of his misery. Just use the Killing Curse. Nice and easy. He'll never have to suffer again."

Addie just glowered.

"Your loss, then," Thomas said with a shrug. "But it's not Fred you should be worrying about. In fact, you shouldn't even be worrying about me. You've got much bigger problems on your hands, in my opinion."

"We don't care about your opinion," Addie shot.

"Oh, but you should. Enemies are easy, you know what to watch out for. Same with illnesses. Nothing surprising. It's those you're close to that you really need to look out for. They're the ones with the secrets."

Falter - A Fred Weasley SequelWhere stories live. Discover now