September 1, 2015

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"Mum, hurry!" Noah said, pulling on Addie's hand as he tried to hurry her towards the large red steam engine at the end of the platform. "We're going to miss it!"

Addie pulled back on Noah's hand, bringing him to a stop. "Let's wait for your father," she said, keeping a firm grip on Noah in case he decided to run off again. He had inherited Fred's energy and his nose for trouble, a dangerous combination. 

Addie searched the crowd, looking for the familiar shock of red hair among the group. She spotted Ginny and Harry near the train, saying their goodbyes to James, their oldest, and waved in their direction. But as she scanned the crowd, her husband was nowhere to be seen. 

Unfortunately, Noah had spotted James, and was now jumping with excitement, pulling on her hand again. "Can we talk to James?" he asked. "Please?" His brown eyes implored Addie, and she found she couldn't say no. 

She was just thankful Noah hadn't inherited the Weasley's red hair. The combination would have been deadly adorable. Instead, Noah had brown hair, much like her own, and a spattering of freckles across his cheeks. 

Addie sighed. I'm getting too big for this, she thought, rubbing her ever-growing belly. She and Fred hadn't meant to get pregnant again, thinking two had been enough. But it had been a blessing, as Noah would be leaving for Hogwarts, and Emma would be gone three years later. Addie thought that by the time Noah turned eleven, she would be prepared to send him off to Hogwarts, but the summer had been an emotional one.  

Addie had broken down as they shopped for his school supplies, knowing that she would have to say goodbye to her eldest. She liked to blame it on pregnancy hormones, but even Fred had sounded choked up the night before, as they talked about Noah leaving. 

Noah reached James, and the two cousins talked animatedly about going to school, what House they would be sorted into, and how they hoped to be sorted into the same house. Ginny and Addie hugged briefly, Ginny commenting on how big Addie had gotten. 

"A few more months," Addie said, rubbing her belly affectionately. "Fred and I have a bet going. He thinks its a boy. I think it's another girl." 

"What do you win?" Harry asked. 

Addie smiled. "Winner gets to name the baby." 

Right on cue, she felt hands on her shoulders as Fred appeared behind her. "I can't wait to meet little Fred Jr," Fred piped in.

Addie whirled on him. "We are not naming our child Fred Jr," she told him sternly. 

Fred shrugged, smiling cheekily. "A bet is a bet," he said. "I get full naming rights. Or are you backing down?"

Addie sighed. "Fine." It was then that Addie noticed someone was missing. "Where's Emma?" she asked, her eyes widening in concern as she scanned the crowd for her little girl. 

"George came to see Noah off," Fred explained. 

 Noah heard this, turning with a huge smile plastered on his face. "Uncle George is here!?" he exclaimed, rising on tiptoes to find him. Noah didn't notice the way his mother groaned. Noah loved Uncle George, which Addie would always be thankful for. She didn't, however, appreciate the amount of trouble the two got into.

Noah and his father caused enough together without anyone else getting involved. 

George emerged from the crowd, a small, red-headed girl on his shoulders. Emma took after her father completely, her long hair was fire red, her eyes brown, and most of her skin was covered with a fine layer of freckles. The girl giggled as George knelt down to talk to Noah, somehow keeping the girl balanced on his shoulders. 

Falter - A Fred Weasley SequelWhere stories live. Discover now