18. Half Truths

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The news made the front page of the Daily Prophet the next morning. And along with a lengthy article and the heading "Does Murder Hide Behind the Face of Innocence?" was the image of Charlotte, cowering in the corner of the frame, trying to hide her face from view.

Addie scanned the article.

Charlotte Doyle, age 23, was arrested late last night after an anonymous tip to the Ministry. Doyle is being charged with the murders of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks, as well as terrorism in part with Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters.

Further digging has revealed that Doyle's parents are none other than Moira and Adam Doyle, Death Eaters who perished in the Battle of Hogwarts.

Addie couldn't finish reading. She tossed the newspaper down, frowning. "I's not right.

"You told me she admitted to being in Slytherin," Fred reminded her between bites of toast.

"Yeah, but being a Slytherin doesn't make her a murderer."

"Her parents-"

Addie didn't let him finish. "I need to see her." She was up from the table and out the door before Fred could open his mouth to respond.


Addie was lucky: the first Auror she ran into was Kingsley Shacklebolt, a member of the Order of the Phoenix. She had her way in.

She got his attention, and he made his way over to the room. As soon as he reached her, Addie started talking, without bothering to greet the man. She explained that they were wrong in arresting Charlotte, that she was innocent and someone was trying to frame her. "Please, just let me see her," Addie finished.

Kingsley frowned. "I'm not so sure of Ms. Doyle's innocence," he said. "But I'll let you see her. You get thirty minutes." And he started walking away, Addie trailing after him.

It took Addie half the trip to make the chilling realization that she knew where they were going. Addie's skin crawled as they descended lower and lower, until they ended up in a dim hallway lined with cells that Addie had too strong memories of.

She and Fred had spent a chilling night down here when they had been captured for infiltrating the Ministry of Magic. Back when she believed Thomas to be innocent. And now here she was trying to prove Charlotte's innocence.

Addie shivered. Was it possible she had that horrible of a sense of judgment?

Kingsley motioned for Addie to continue down alone. "I'll come back to get you in half an hour." He turned around and walked away, leaving Addie.

She wandered down the row of cells, peering inside, trying to find Charlotte. Even when she found the right cell, it took Addie a few seconds to recognize the girl cowering in the corner. "Charlotte?"

The girl's head shot up.. "Oh thank God!" she said, scrambling up and hurrying over to Addie - or as close to her as she could get. "I'm so glad you're here. There's been a mistake. I'm innocent!"

"I know," Addie said. "That's why I'm here. I tried to tell Kingsley, but he wouldn't believe me. You were in the Daily Prophet. They were saying..."

Charlotte sighed. "I figured that would come out eventually. My parents?"

Addie nodded. "I had no idea."

"It's not something I usually share with people. I should have known it would come out eventually. But it's not what it seems, Addie. The Daily Prophet is only telling half truths. The truth is I don't even know my parents. I haven't seen them since I was five years old. My aunt, she knew who they were, what they stood for, and she got me away from them." Charlotte rolled up her sleeves, revealing her bare forearms. "I'm not a Death Eater. I wasn't at the Battle of Hogwarts. I've never killed anyone."

"I believe you."

Charlotte let out a breath of relief. "Now I just need to convince everyone else."

"Do you have any idea who started this? The Daily Prophet just said it was an anonymous tip."

"I don't know."

Addie frowned. "Last year, when you went on the run, you told George it was because you were muggle born. But you're obviously not..."

"I didn't want to lie. But I didn't have a choice. I couldn't let him know the truth. The night before I left, I got an owl from my parents. It said they were looking for me, that it was time for me to claim my heritage and join them. I knew they wouldn't take no for an answer, so I ran."

Addie nodded. It made sense. 'We'll figure this out. We'll get you out of here."

"Better hurry. My trial is tomorrow."

"So soon?"

"Yeah. It turns out the Ministry likes their Death Eaters in Azkaban as soon as possible. If I'm sentenced tomorrow, that's it for me. It's Azkaban for life, possibly the Dementor's Kiss if I'm really lucky," she spat out bitterly.

"But you're not a Death Eater. They could figure that out I seconds."

"They want anyone who is associated with Lord Voldemort rounded up and dealt with. And because of my parents, I'm already guilty in their eyes. So I don't think they're too worried about a fair trial. They just want me out of the way, so they can tell the public they're doing a good job. That they're keeping everyone safe."

Addie grimaced, but they were interrupted by Kingsley before she could say anything else.

"I'll be there tomorrow," Addie promised. "We all will. We support you, one hundred percent."

"Thanks Addie."

Addie wished she could hug her friend, but she knew what happened when anything came into contact with the bars of the cell. So Addie said her goodbyes and walked back to Kingsley, rage boiling under her skin as she thought about Charlotte' fate. "She's innocent, you know," Addie told him as they walked back.

Kingsley just sighed, looking at her as if she was some small child. "I know she's your friend," Kingsley said slowly. "But not everyone is who they say they are. It's time you learned that."

"What proof do you have?" Addie demanded. "Other than this anonymous tip?"

"I have the death of Remus and Tonks, two of my closest friends," Kingsley said. "I have their funerals. And their son, Teddy, who will grow up without his parents because of her," he growled, jabbing his finger back in the direction of Charlotte's cell. "And you expect me to let her go because one girl says she's innocent?"

"I just want you to make sure it's her," Addie said. "I want to make sure this tip has evidence to back it."

"I'll let you in on a little secret. The Ministry said the tip was anonymous to protect identity of the man who gave it. He's a Ministry worker, and I know him personally. He's been responsible for the capture of a dozen Death Eaters, each one proven guilty. What makes this one any different?"

"Who is this man?" Addie asked.

"You know I'm not allowed to tell you that."

"Oh come on. Don't think of me as Addie, friend of Charlotte's. Think of me as Addie, a member of the Order of the Phoenix. You can trust me."

She could see Kingsley wavering. "He works in the Department of Mysteries," he finally said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "His name is Thomas."

"Thomas," Addie said flatly. Why was she even surprised? "Thomas Wright?"

"No," Kingsley said with a laugh. "Thomas Wright was a Death Eater. We caught him the day after the Battle of Azkaban. He received the Dementor's Kiss two days later. I'm talking about Thomas Tyler. Another man completely."

Addie was speechless. How could she explain that Thomas had been tormenting her for months, and was definitely not stuck in Azkaban? How could she explain that she had once been friends with the Death Eater without putting herself under suspicion? And if she couldn't admit to that, she definitely couldn't explain how she knew that Thomas Wright's middle name was, in fact, Tyler. 

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