Unexpected denial

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Heya readers! So this book is a collab with my good friend GlassWolf99 she is writing Harry's POV
So go follow her!! Yah
Anyhoo, chapter 1...

No POV (written by the books and GlassWolf99 and edited by me coz I'm trash)
"Harry Potter ... is dead!" Yelled Voldemort in glee
"No! No!" Screamed Ginny trying to run at the dark lord.

"Silence, Stupid girl!" he said "Harry Potter...is dead! From this day forth...you'll put your faith in me!
Harry Potter is dead!
And now it's the time to declare yourself.
Come forward and join us...
or die!"

From the other side of the courtyard came some voices "Draco! Draco. Draco. Come." Said Narcissa and Lucius together.

Nobody spoke, all eyes were on Draco.
"No!" Whispered Draco.


"I'm not joining you" he said louder.

The Silence was deafening.

"You will regret this Draco, Avada ka-..."
"No, please My Lord, he doesn't know what he is doing", Lucius pleaded interrupting the curse.
"You know what Lucius, you're right... he doesn't"
He pointed his wand at Lucius "but you do!"

And with that, he shrieked "Avada Kedavra!"

Well okay so GlassWolf99 is fabulous and Ik Ik it's kinda short but next chapter will be longer, and be both POV's annnnnddd
I ACTUALLY KNOW WHERE IM GOING WITH THIS (not so spoiler spoiler alert, it's a gay place full of rainbows and wavy lines, just like my imagination.) YAY GAY!

K peace out ✌🏻- your little ghosty

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