6:what next!?

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Harry's POV:
I opened my eyes. I wasn't quite sure where I was. Ah yes, the hospital wing. How long had I been asleep in that uncomfortable wooden chair, I was pondering on that thought when I realised why I was there. The events of the previous night flashed through my head, making me shiver slightly as I looked to my left to see Draco Malfoy with a huge cut on his cheek. He looked up at me slightly surprised "Oh, morning Draco." I said, trying to sound like I hadn't just woken up.
"Morning harry, may I ask, why are you here?" Draco replied
"Well I wanted to make sure you were ok," I supposed I had to go into more detail,"and also me and Ginny broke up so I'm kinda trying to avoid Ron." I said as quickly as possible as not to disturb the memories.
"Wait, what?"
"You broke up with ginny?!"
"Yeah... well actually she broke up with me." Well, I may as well tell him the whole story now.
"Oh. Sorry"
"Don't worry, I'm not really that bothered."
Why did I say that, I'm pretty sure you can see I've been crying, oh well, I thought, waiting for him to ask the inevitable question.
"So, what happened?"
Here goes:
"Well, she saw us h-hugging and flipped and hit you round the head. So I made her help carry you to the hospital wing, then we went back to the common room. She started spilling lies about what happened to Ron and 'Mione so I explained what actually happened. Ron and gin stormed off. Then 'Mione tried to convince me it would be alright, that we'd get back together, and I told her I didn't want to,"
"Wait what?"
"And told 'Mione to ask her out cause she obviously likes her. Like really obviously."
That wasn't so bad.
"Yeah, even I saw that."
"I know right! So then I came here." Ok I'll continue then
"damn.  Can I just say though, that weaslette does have a really good punch in her!"
"I know!! She slapped me once, it hurt like h-"hang on, Weaslette, what"Wait, did you just call her weaslette?!"
"Uh- y-yeah.." Oh no, I didn't mean it like that.
"That is kinda..."
"Yes oh my god that's amazing!" I said, my laughter waking up somebody on the other side of the room.
"Yanno, your hair looks a ton better like that." I said, abruptly changing the subject.
"You think so?"
"I know so"
"Oh Draco? I need to tell you something."
"Go ahead"
"I- I think I might l-l-like you. Like as more than a friend."
Crap. Why did I say that, I didn't mean it, I meant as a friend, just friends, I think.
"that's good then." Draco replied
Oh no, what do I do? "It is?"
"Yes, and I'll tell you why.
From the first time we met, I knew.
Then you rejected me.
My father was a death eater.
I was always a disappointment to him.
You and I became enemies.
You hated me.
I loved you
I love you
I love your dark messy hair
I love your intense green eyes
Your smile
Your laughter
I did what I had to do
Of course I knew it was you that day
At the manor
I sacrificed everything to save you
And your alive
I love you Harry Potter."
I was shocked, I didn't mean do it to come out like that, but I couldn't tell him now.
"I-I-I don't understand! I thought you hated me! You acted like you hated me"
I stuttered, trying, and utterly failing, to act casual.
"Acts can be deceiving Harry, I really do love you!"
"After all this time?."
"I hate to interrupt, but Draco needs rest, and I'm sure that the other patients would like a break from the story of your love life" said madam Pomfrey.
"Ok, I'll leave, bye Draco"

I was glad to go, I just felt so awkward, so confused. Did I really like Draco? I didn't know. I snapped back out of my thoughts as I passed the ruined courtyard. Well, at least I had something to do. I wasn't going back to lessons like most others, and although I could stay until the damage to the school was fixed and things were back to normal, I didn't know where to go afterwards. My parents were dead, the breakup ruined any chance of staying with the Weaselys and, even if I did have my books and belongings, I had missed out on the majority of my final year. Would I even be able to get a job without my NEWT results?

I decided not to think about it, so went up to McGonnagal to ask if I could help clear up

Draco POV coming sooooon
Ciao- your little ghosty 👻

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