2: regret

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Draco's pov:

'Harry Potter is dead!'
It can't be.
He can't be dead, he was our only hope, my only hope.
The world around me was blurred, I could just about make out the high pitched screams of Ginny Weasley to my right and Voldemort demanding us to join him. Join his retched society, with wicked rules and heartless acts.
In all the chaos, I heard my name being called by my parents. I looked up, my vision clouded by tears, threatening to fall. I saw my mothers mouth moving but all I could hear was his voice calling my name. The man I had grown to detest.
'Draco, come!'
Lucius malfoy was sneering.
I made up my mind.
'No' I whispered, watching as his smirk melted.
'I'm not joining you!' I said, louder as I grew in confidence.
The newly found confidence evaporated as silence flooded through the courtyard.
The dark lords smile faltered but didn't fall as he hissed 'You'll regret this malfoy, Avada ka-'
'No! Please my lord'
My father interrupted
'H-he doesn't know what he's doing!'he pleaded.
Voldermort smiled coldly before stating ' you know what Lucius? You're right... he doesn't'
I watched helplessly as he raised his wand against my father.
'But you do! AVADA KADAVRA!'
Suddenly everything blurred into one as a flash of green light hit him and he dropped, in slow motion, to the ground and my mother screamed and disapperated and bellatrix's laughters filled the air.

I had lost everything.
My father dead,
My mother god knows where and the boy I'm in love with, gone.

I have nothing left.

Suddenly, just as my knees began to tremble, Harry jumped out of Hagrids arms and on to the cold, hard ground.
He scrambled to his feet as fast as he could, rapidly firing confringo's and reducto's at Nagini, before running behind near by columns, trying to escape the flames. I laughed out of sheer delight and surprise before quickly firing curses towards those who I once stood beside. But not today, today I stand strong and fight for what's right.

------------time skip------------

I slumped down against the freezing stone wall. Thankfully the dark lord was gone, as well as Bellatrix. But so was my father. And although he brought me so much grief and pain in all the years he a-abused me, he was still my father, and I was responsible for his death, and my mothers broken heart. I was as bad as the rest of them. I heard footsteps approaching behind me, but I didn't turn around. Knowing my luck it was probably Blaise coming to harass me. 

Harry's pov:

I know it's hard but you have to do it, I thought to myself as I walked along the ruined halls of Hogwarts. I had been apologizing to the families who lost loved ones in my name since the end of the battle, but somehow, this felt like the hardest one. Maybe because Draco and I hadn't been the best of friends, or maybe because I thought he may sneer at me the way he always did. I didn't know. All I knew was that I admired him for his bravery and wanted to let him know that. Maybe the Malfoys weren't so bad after all. Even though Lucius' death hadn't been in my name, I still felt a duty to ask Draco if there was anything I could do. I had left this to the end, hoping he would leave and find his mother, but he was still at Hogwarts, hours after the battle had ended.

I turned a corner and saw a slim, pale figure slumped on the ground, his normally perfect blonde hair messy. I went over what I was going to say in my head before I walked up to him, I instantly forgot what I was meant to say, so blurted out:
"Draco, I'm sorry about what happened earlier, it wasn't your fau-"
"Yes it was" said Draco, cutting me off.
"No, there wouldn't have been a battle if it wasn't for me" I stuttered. I felt like i was going to cry. No, not in front of Draco - hold it together.
"It's my fault!"-keep it together - "Everything is!"
I felt tears filling my eyes, I was choking on my words.No. Draco was staring at me, but I couldn't stop myself...

Look look! We actually update this!! Aren't u proud? Any way, chapter 3 is being written now so for now...
Ciao!- your little ghosty x

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