10: escape

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Draco's POV:
Thoughts and emotions are spinning round my head like a whirl wind.
There's nothing left for me.
The world will do better without me in it.
Everything will be better if I go.
I'm walking slowly up the astronomy tower. It's eleven o'clock. Same time it was when I was told to kill dumbledore. Same place too.
One step.
Two steps.
I know for a fact that theirs 43 steps on this staircase and I count them as I climb.
When I reach the top, I see a dark figure by the window. I don't need light to see who its.
I turn to him, he looks at me with an expression of understanding and together we step into the window ledge.
The boy who lived and the boy who had no choice, jumped together, as equals, and departed this life.

Hiya, soooo sorry the last few chapters have been hella short but I wanted to finish this book and I cba to right more to be honest, hope u enjoyed x
Ciao- your lil ghosty

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