7: Pomfrey is a gay predictor

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Madame Pomfrey POV;
As soon as Potter left, I gave Malfoy his dreamless sleep potion and hurried out of the wing.
If I was correct, all of the staff was on a break from clearing up, meaning now was an optimal time to present my findings.
I had got the exact right day meaning today I would be going to bed 20 galleons richer.
Suck on that Trelawney.
I practically skipped up the stairs to the staff room with a large grin plastered on my face.
I reached the door and paused, contemplating wether to act natural or make an entrance that would make old snapey proud.(Plot twist snapey's alive coz duh he's a potions mastermind and everyday is alan rickman appreciation day)
I settled on a mixture, I will enter naturally, lardy dah nothing strange here, and then BOOM 20 GALLEONS TO ME BITCHES, and dramatic exit (beat that slime ball).
I take a deep breath, put on a straight face (good luck with that poppy, remember Minnie's in there)
(Bet y'all didn't see that ship coming but bitch it's gonna sail) and push open the door.
I 'naturally' walk in and sit in a large leather armchair in front of the fire and (oh what a coincidence) next to Minerva.
'Good evening poppy,'
Said Dumbledores portrait,
'How are things going at the hospital wing?'
'Oh rather well albus, however Draco Malfoy was admitted earlier this evening,' I reply, a smug grin sliding onto my face as I notice the other professors raise there eyebrows.
It quickly grows as mcgonagal inquired
'Is that so? I don't remember him being harmed during the battle.'
'No he wasn't, he was admitted unconscious with a nasty bruise on the back of his head and a cut on his cheek where he had fallen, whilst being supported, quite surprisingly by Potter and the weasley girl.'
Minerva, flickwit and dumbledores portrait leans closer to listen, and snape, although pretending to be uninterested, twitched slightly in anticipation. (god that sounds wrong but I'm too lazy to phrase it differently)
'The red head had given Malfoy a blow to the head because she believed harry was cheating on her with him'
I heard albus mutter
' poor smellfoy'
Under his breath and a soft gasp from the head of ravenclaw and grinned.
'Potter and weasley left only for potter to later return and fall asleep in the chair next to Malfoy.'
Everyone was clinging onto every word I said
'They both finally woke up'
I was whispering now
'And had a conversation'
'What did they say?' Muttered Minnie from beside me
'They said... 20 GALLEONS TO POMFREY COZ BITCH THEY IN LOVE!' I screamed at the top of my lungs as I stood from the chair, knocking over a frog- oh wait that's snape- as I did so.
Minerva squeAled like a schoolgirl and hugged me (success), snape groaned and began fishing around in his pocket, and albus cheered.

That night I went to bed with 20 galleons and a lipstick mark on my cheek. Thanks Malfoy.

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