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Well the war is over and it been about five years now and believe it or not a lot as change .my name is Harry Potter or should I say Harry Potter Snape these days because I'm now Bonded to my  Severus Snape ya my old potions professor but right now he's still teaching the hard work and he's still the potions Professor believe it or not I am teaching there now as well. And I am the defense against dark arts teacher and Hermione is the new charms teacher and believe it or not she is with Draco and he is working at the ministry and .Ron is the knew transformations professor the funny thing though is he's completely single and he'll shack up with guys and girls alike turns out he's by something you find out when your best friends after the world war in the Wizard World so well but we still love him .and then there's his sister  Ginny Weasley she's turned out to be a lesbian and she is bonded to Luna Lovegood and they have kids .so like I have been saying a lot has changed and the two of them teach at Hogwarts to I can't quite remember what they teach  .oh  I almost forgot that I'm pregnant with mine and services  frist how me and .him got together​ was that after the war . I found him hanging on and .I got him to Poppy just in time .and I helped get him back to life because he helped save my life so I help him and over the time that . I help him we came close now we are were we are today bodend and happy. Any way right now it the weekend and Severus is out shopping I'm .not gone yet because Draco and Hermione are bringing over are goddaughter for us to watch and where her uncles too .you see today Hermione as a appointment with her doctor about the baby that she's having cuz she's due to have it any day now they just need to make sure things are OK because she was having a lot of stress there for a while they don't want to have any problems like they did with their first pregnancy

Just then there's was knocking on the door

Harry : hay Hermione Draco come on in

Draco: thanks ok her is  Hannah and her stuff we will be back to get her when.  We can

Hermione: and don't forget she can't have carrot she's allergic to them

Harry : I have not forgotten that

As I was telling this to Hermione and Draco  Severus came home

Severus: harry I'm back hay Hermione Draco and little Hannah

Hannah: uncle ser

With that Hermione and Draco left  to go and see how far along that Hermione is with her second child .and me and Severus are watching . Hannah till her parents get back .

Harry  : so did you get everything form the stores that we were going to need

Severus : yes my harry my love even got the things that you were craving where caring are precious little bundle of joy

Harry : I Love you so much babe .

Servers: ya I love you too babe and it kind of funny that me and you would get together and bonded Because your mother was my best friend and I ended up with her son .but I wouldn't have it any other way.and who would  thought .that Draco and Hermione would get together and have Hannah

LIFE AFTER THE WAR  SNARRYWhere stories live. Discover now