Harry Potter And Severus Snape are a bodend couple and both are teaching at Hogwarts and that is geart there life is great . are expecting their first child when Harry gets pregnant . can they handle the hectic so teaching at Hogwarts and rais...
Harry pov I woke up the next morning and saw that severus was up and had Christopher giving him a bottle sitting in the rocking chair in our bedroom and look so nice
Severus: hay babe your up after your good night sleep you need it harry it took alot out of you having Christopher
Harry : ya I know it was not easy but I'm happy that we had him he are pride and joy and it .good thing that w we had the baby room made for a boy or girl
Severus: yes it was now Poppy said she back to check on you today and she wants you on bedrest the next few days and don't worry about your class will cover Whoever has a free. Until you come back that's what we're doing for Hermione well it's only a couple weeks before you guys come back
Harry : which I think that is a good thing because I need the rest he was a big baby he was 9 pounds
Severus: well that means he a healthy baby
Harry : ya I hope that you where not up all night with him babe
Severus: I got someone sleep and he was not up that much and he would be feed and changed and went back to sleep he a pretty easy boy and I think he loves it went I rock him
Harry : it seem like somebody as is papa around is little fingers are ready
Severus: that he do and when he was awake all in the night he look over to you like he knows who is daddy is
Harry: well he better I was the one who had to carry him for nine months
And me and severus just laughed .the more I see him smile and laugh .the more it makes me .fall in love with and I'm so happy that me and him could have this precious gift in our son
Harry : babe I love you and I'm so happy that we have are son I wonder which one of the . Houses he's going to be in when he gets old enough to go to Hogwarts
Severus: hopefully Slytherin or grffinder because is parent are in them .but if he gets In Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff I am still going to be proud of him and he . Going to make a find wizard one day
Harry : I love seeing. This side to you babe because not everyone gets to see all the sides of service Snape and I'm happy that that I the privileged ones to see that side of you
Severus: babe you could just see me inside it in the bed and everywhere LOL
Harry: I love you
Severus : I love you more
And with that Severus put Christopher Alan back down for is nap and got in to the bed with me and held me closer
Harry ; babe can you read to me like you would do when I could not sleep and stuff because I don't want to be bored or anything if I'm stuck on bed rest because we're I just gave birth we can't have sex for a while
Severus: I know that babe but as soon as we get the ok where going to have so much love making to make up for not having any right now
Harry: I like the sounds of that
Severus : well for now I will read to you my love
And that what he did till I fell back to sleep
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************************************ Severus pov
I watched my Harry sleep I can spent hours watching him and . I'm proud to call him my husband
Poppy: good thing to see that he taking it easy is babe taking the baby milk good
Severus: yes he taking is nap right now just like is daddy
Poppy: yes and minver is on her way she wants to see the little baby she so happy for the tow because you are a couple of her favorite Cubs if she likes to call you students of hers that she's really close with anyway she should be here any minute she really wants to see the baby
Severus: which is only right because both you and her have been like second parents to us and everything like that hogwarts you're like mothers to us which we love
And after I had said that minver came in
Minver :nice to hear now where is the babe
Severus : okay here use this is Christopher Alan Snape
Minver : he is a beautiful babe and I saw Hermione and Draco it seem that all of my cuds are growing and alot with kids of their own
Poppy : yes taht true but only if Ronald Wesley would stop shacking up with every male wizard of was there or female witch that single on the market because it not easy keeping up with him .he is a really good teach and he follow the rules everything when it comes to him teaching the students and stuff but then when I come to his private life outside of Hogwarts boy does he like to party
Minver : yes he definitely loves to party that's one thing about him though he's a really good person and everything does a great job teaching them that he stays on the right side you just likes to let loose a little bit in his private time if you know what I mean but he needs to find someone and settle down has he deserves but I know one thing though right now Ronald was just playing the field LOL
Severus: you can say he's been playing the field and everything yesterday he was here for too long with his sister and her wife I know one thing for sure where we asked him what was wrong and everything with him and why he was so hungover he said he had that the stomach pumped and everything and that's in the last thing he remembered was waking up at 4 having a 3some with 2 girls
Minver : Merlin that's wonderfully way for him to be going out there and having a party and giving loose I know one thing for sure hope he doesn't have to come to work tomorrow with a hangover if so I guess we better have them the remedy LOL
Severus: trust me I already have one made for them just in case
We all couldn't help but laugh over that pretty funny when you have to make fun and ron some time but the fact that he is always going around with different people and shaking them here or there we know one thing for sure is enjoying the single Life
Minver : slow and if they have any for you because I tell you the truth serverus I never thought I'd see you find someone that would love you so much and I'm glad that you did and it's good that it's Harry you don't deserve it and I know one thing for sure you will never break each other's heart because you are bonded which is good but you only Bond if it's true love
Severus: yes we'll we are there for each other through it all and everything so I'm actually if course of him the right way and everything I guess you can kind of say that we were always destined for this
And after that minver and Poppy left and I just sat and watched my my husband son sleep love them both so much and I'm definitely happy that I'm finally getting love is her but this is going to be a new step in my life learning how to raise children but I know one thing with Harry By My Side we can do it all
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