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Harry pov

I was  getting . Very bored here sitting in the bed because I hate being on bed rest but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do I guess this is just to make me feel better and give me strength back after giving birth to Christopher but I wouldn't trade it for the world I just wish my husband would hurry up and get home so I could have a bit of company.

As I was wondering that my husband had just walked our house it's good that we live on the land that the school is on and big house is nice holy have big houses for the families of the professors that teach here and everything so they're not stuck in a small quarters

Harry: hey baby it was good timing for you to hurry up and get home so how did school go today I mean  teaching my dunderheads as you like to call them sometimes when they are not quite with me

Severus: your dunderheads were not so bad it was my dunderheads that I had to deal with a lot of today and specially it was the six years can you believe it the ones that are older seems like some of the younger ones getting more mature but then again it doesn't really matter what year they are in there's always two major ones on there's always the ones that are not so you figure it out. Funny things about your class today was when I had a bunch a bunch of 3rd years when I was covering for you and in it was our two so-called nephews  Ron's Brothers LOL

Harry : he was complaining this time because let me guess you must have been telling them about the test that I'm going to be giving them in everything like it back plus the pop quizzes and everything in the fact that they have to study for a lot of stuff they know me too well that I'm making sure they know everything about the defense of the dark arts when you're taking something like that you gotta know how to pair yourself and everything like that I know I'm sure the war's over and everything but you never know when something could arise in the future

Severus: yes you're quite right about that making sure everything is prepared and still funny doesn't think anything is going to happen anytime soon because the war is over and everything like you said but you never know what can happen down the road so it's good to make sure their young minds are well-rounded and they can play to their strengths and everything like that is you say anyway yes Randy was complaining but he was a lot more Cooperative when I told didn't smarten up I was going to take away some points from Ravenclaw but he stopped right away

Harry : yeah you just have to tell them that you're going to take away points in that and then they listen because they don't want to have that up and none of them like it when this points taken away from your houses it's just the way it goes

Severus: so true my love and I'm glad I could be home with you right now and everything's well how was your day

Harry: my day was very boring because I'm stuck in bed and everything like that I read just about everything I could think of and I never had you here to cuddle me yeah I had a few cuddles with our son when he was not napping and stuff like that but a little bit of Joy but boy baby sleep too much sometimes I just wish I had you here with me to hold me at least I would have been a bit more comfortable today

Severus: sorry babe but I'm here by the way I'm letting you know that Poppy so that you are able to have sex again right now because you're healed enough for that but you still have to finish up this week on bed rest and everything but she told me if I wanted to have you a little bit of fun like that now I could but we have to be gentle so if you want that tonight just tell me because I can tell that you're agitated and everything cuz you couldn't have that for a while

Harry : babe if she giving us the go a head then you get in this bed and make love to me Sevrrus Snape because I need to feel you my husband and now would be. A good time because the babe is down for a nap

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