Harry Potter And Severus Snape are a bodend couple and both are teaching at Hogwarts and that is geart there life is great . are expecting their first child when Harry gets pregnant . can they handle the hectic so teaching at Hogwarts and rais...
Well it was nice that I was able to come home and give my husband everything that he needed it's a good thing though this week is starting to fly by and that because to tell you the truth I was going to be nice to have him back at work and everything with me as I hate seeing my baby Moby all the time because he can't get out of bed I want to make sure he knows that I'm here for him through it all
As I was wondering about that my babe came the kitchen yes cuz he is now able to walk around the house a bit which is nice he said down so I can get them a Cuppa tea
Severus: oh baby it's a good thing this is only next weekend you're back to teaching at the school you're actually able to get it a bed starting today which is nice
Harry : that is only good thing is to tell you the truth I did not like being stuck in the bed too much and I actually get to walk around and hold little Christopher and everything in my arms it's nice to be able to start this family and everything this next chapter of our lives together you know what them Christmas is approaching and a couple of months we're going to have to be to ready to spoil the little guy
Severus: oh you know he's definitely going to be school during Christmas but not just fire by everybody that's in his wife his kids going to have the best stuff going on and I mean it
And he knows that I'm right and just then Ginny and Luan came over tea because they went to see Ron in flat lives in let's just say when they walk in they were not prepared to see him on the sofa being bend over getting it give to him from a guy ginny brother is kinking in that kind of way
Ginny : hey guys sorry to come over on after we walked in on my brother in a very compromising position with that guy it let's just say my brother likes to be on top sometimes and sometimes on the bottom this time was just say we caught him being the bottom
Harry : I can see why you would want to get that image out of your head it's a good thing you didn't bring the kids with you and that speaking of kids where are your kids right now
Laun : my father won't take them for the day he wanted to spend some time with his grandchildren which was a good idea because to tell you the truth I don't think I need him and my kids saying something stupid of my brother-in-law LOL I love my brother-in-law and everything he's a good guy but sometimes when it comes to his sexuality that and playing the field he's a little too he can freely if you know where sometimes I wonder how many times Ron was dropped on his head as a baby
Ginny : I well I I wonder that too I know that my parents have never dropped him on his head or anything like that but they did say that that's my twin brother's friend in George did I wonder though how many times
We all where laughing at that went ginny parents and her twin brothers came over to see little Christopher because they wanted to see if they hadn't had a chance until now and they had to laugh when they spoke up and said exactly how many times
Molly : from what I recall you two boys have dropped your younger brother on his head about 4 or 5 times I wonder if that's why there's something wrong with that boy when it comes to his sexuality LOL just kidding I mean I don't mind the fact that he's bisexual or anything like that I don't mind the fact that my daughter here is a lesbian and stuff like that but what I want for my son at least find one person then settle down so he could be happy
Harry : well I think that what we all would like to see one day and it would be nice because sometimes I feel like the way he's acting now when his sexuality is so hyper I feel like it's a sex soap opera as Ron turns LOL
Severus :oh God that is something I do not want to see on TV that's something you picture in are mind right now
Nice for us all to have a good laugh and everything but the funny thing was that we were kind of having a laugh at Ron's expense but he says he doesn't mind being the butt of the jokes and stuff like that he said someone got a light in the mood LOL I wonder what things was going to be like that when he comes over the next few minutes because more than likely after he's finished with his conquest or the one of Conquest in him this time will be over to talk to us and maybe do something to make sure he doesn't get pregnant or anything like that's where he's not in a relationship boy sometimes that boy can be a little too wild
As soon as I had said that remind the person that we were laughing it came over
Ron : hey guys I'm swear you two girls have to walk in and what you kind of saw me doing at night for at least I know a part of you a lot and I have a lot of fun when it comes to my sexuality and that's police I know where to draw the line I don't do it in public or anything I do it in private on my own home or at someone else's place and it's on my own time I don't interfere with my schooling work teaching or anything like that I'm just playing the field but I . Tell you I was not expecting you to accidentally walk in on me anyway that's not why I'm here I think you know what I need severus and you need to have a potion so I don't know whether I get sexually diseases or anything like that or you know a baby or anything like that I don't want nothing like that in encouraging of the children until I find the right one and ready to settle down
Severus: well I've got quite the potion and everything that you're going to need here you go I know one thing for sure you definitely are playing the field
Harry: don't remind me about that baby remember three years ago when he accidentally drink too much and he went to bed with a woman and didn't know who it was and when he woke up he discovered that it was Poppy the two of them really like this was something very interesting even though even though much remember that ron said that that was one of his best fun nights
Ron : he may be a lot older he may be a lot older he may be a lot older than me but she definitely knows how to have fun she she can be I mean sometimes I'm not saying something
Harry : we want to know how you know this because you're a bit kinky when it comes to your love life as it is from what you've been telling us LOL
Poppy : come over come over come over before you come back to work and everything next week Harry and I heard everything you guys just said and you want to know why he knows that about me because even now and then we're still friends with benefits hey what can I say I enjoyed it he may be young but he knows how to show a woman a good time
Don't believe it to their friends with benefits the next thing we knew we did not want to have to think about that anymore I know one thing for sure we're with the way that ron is acting these days he is definitely looking to be the king of shade I which is one thing for sure and the funniest thing is I've always thought of puppy as a mother figure this is something that me and Harry and everybody else is going to have to get used to
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