Harry Potter And Severus Snape are a bodend couple and both are teaching at Hogwarts and that is geart there life is great . are expecting their first child when Harry gets pregnant . can they handle the hectic so teaching at Hogwarts and rais...
Well I just finished teaching a group of 3 ydrs and I'm happy that . I don't need to be breaking up fights I mean. I teach defense against the dark arts
And they need to be paying heat because they need to be ready I .know the war is over but you never know when. You could run to a. Bit of trouble and that. Takes a lot out of you .so it a good thing that I was able to get the kids .back on track when it came to the lesson that need to be learned .and that what matters
And now I'm getting ready to teach a group of 5th years and. There going. To need to be ready because they have a test. And they need to remember everything.that was showed to.them on the last few days because it big part of there geart and it a good thing that it getting close to lunch because it .a good thing I can get a break for the students because this as been one of those morning and I know that. I have only been back teaching for a few days .now because of all the bedrest I was on and Hermione knows what I am going through . because she to was on bed rest when she had her second child. She got her hands full with tow
Later lucnh
Well it now lunch I must go and meet my husband and friends for lunch. Which is a good thing and we can laungh and talk and everything and that.a good thing because I need abult talk after the morning I had teaching
As I was wondering about all that severus meet me at my class room door
Severus: hay babe you seem beat
Harry : ya I am I had to break up a fight in one of my class and that was 3 rd years .and then I gave a test to the 5yers and that was not easy for .them because they where cheating some of them so.you could say taht I was taking away alot of points
Severus: I can tell well come on and let's meet up with the others and that a good thing and we will get are lunch ate and them .later on today when. Where done class for the day. We can go home and I'll take care of your needs like I did yesterday for you babe
Harry : thanks babe. Because the students have been trying to get under my skin with the stuff that there doing and it not going to be a easy thing because I think taht alot believe that I'm going to be easy on them because. I know there families.i going to be not to I'm going to be in between and nowhere to handle things he does have to understand that I'm not going to be a pushover but I'm not going to be a tyrant either I'm just going to make sure they understand where they need to be when it comes to learning their stuff
Severus: which I totally agree with you on that baby
How much that we headed off to talk to everybody else I want let's just hope everybody else's day is going pretty easy then again if one of them is having her today like me. For us to both talked about and get it off your chest so I sometimes being a professor here at Hogwarts is not always easy but you gotta do what you gotta do
Harry : hay guys how your moring going
Ginny : don't you don't want to know about that I tell you I had a group of three years today that was really trying to push my buttons and and then I heard from one of the girls in that group that you had to break up a fight in one of those classes that you were teaching today of Defense Arts because of them must be something going on just for those kids are trying to act out it was the same two must be something going on with the boys then let's go told me.
Harry: ya I had to break up fight all I can say is I prayed hope them when all of her kids are old enough to start going here to school that they will be well-behaved at least I tell you because they're going to learn how to respect everybody I know they're not going to be acting like that
Hermione: I hear you on that one I know one thing for sure it's a good thing that Hannah this we little girl because she doesn't do a whole lot but she's very polite and she follows the rules and everything that we have set which is proper but some kids out there they don't know how to ask because they don't know what to do I guess because some families don't really show their kids what true love is but you got to be there for them everything I learned that from seeing you grow up our things for her and you
Harry : ya my aunt and uncle did not make it easy on me and it was a.good thing that I went to stay with Ron and Ginny family because that came way to much for me.to stay with my aunt and uncle .but like I said you guys all came my family.and I have found Hogwarts to be more of a home to me
Severus: well it a good thing that you did come hogwarts because now we are married and you and I have are friends child and everything is getting better now that the war is over .and that a big help
Harry : ya it is hay Ron your not saying much why
Ron : the saying much because I got a massive headache and everything because for some reason I went for a drink with a friend of mine that I haven't seen in years but next thing I know I woke up this morning for the kill a hangover and a killer was my claim to fame I tell you one thing for sure whatever it was last night I can't remember what we did
Severus: I think I should make sure I give you a potion to prevent anything from happening like you game playing it or getting someone pregnant or something because like you said you do not know what happened last night and I got to see leave it to you to shake girls and guys I like
Harry : ya that something that Ron would do
I must say that is one thing to make me have a better day here teaching up in the morning we all have you had a big laugh and everything then we all headed back to our teaching them everything for the afternoon let's just hope that my evening later on will be a lot better than my day but a better day with friends and family and loved ones they have I'll definitely make it her a lesson like being the pair for family life after the war
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