Harry Potter And Severus Snape are a bodend couple and both are teaching at Hogwarts and that is geart there life is great . are expecting their first child when Harry gets pregnant . can they handle the hectic so teaching at Hogwarts and rais...
As soon as I told Harry that I was going to be giving him the tlc that he needs I told me to just sit down way I got everything that he was going. To be needed for a a romantic night with my other half what I was going to do right now with make sure I have the tub filled with bubbles and everything like that have candles and his favorite scent body wash and everything like that I'm going to make him have a special night and I'm going to give him a back massage and feet massage and everything cuz . Where is pregnant it can be hard after all he is a male has not as easy for them as it is women but they do exist here in the magical world men being pregnant that is
As soon as everything was ready in the bathroom I went to make sure it was all ready in are bedroom .and it was a good time for us to be doing because . Hannah don't wake up throught the night. And if she does usually the house elves will take care of it went we are gone to sleep because they don't like to bother us or if they know that we're heading so romantic time they will make sure that they keep the little one that's over out of our room it's a good we soundproof. bto be silent so no one hears us.
Severus: ok come on harry babe it time I give you that TLC that you are going.to be need it
Harry: thanks babe I love you
Severus: I love you too babe and you know how I love to take care of your needs
Harry : yes I know babe so do what you must and I happy that you love to take care of me in bed
Warning sexual content
I took Harry to the bathroom where we had a night bath.to help easy his pain in is lower back. And then .why we where in the bath I worked my down to his manhood. and took him in my mouth and he was lovely it
Harry: babe that feeling so good and I love it when you do that
And after I gave him a b******job I carried him to the bedroom room where I kiss my way down his hold body . Till I reached all the way down between his legs and gave him a rimming and he was a mess form that and the .next thing I know I'm pushing all the way into my husband Showing him how Much I love him and .that he my everything I love to do little things taht will make him feel
Better and with that the next thing I know me and my babe are cumming fast and hard
Harry : cums fast and hard
Severus: gives his seed inside of harry and I can Tell that my babe is happy
And then I give him a feet and everything else that he's going to need to make him feel comfortable and next thing I know we go to sleep hopefully everything will be good for him in the morning and I hope that everything went okay with Hermione giving birth
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Harry pov
I woke up the next morning and got dressed it. A good thing that it the weekend .and I am so happy about what my babe did for me last night he .knows how to take care of me I better check in on Hannah