Chapter 6

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"Excuse me lad, I don't remember extending an invitation. Only men allowed on this ship" At Hook's command Amily was stowed below decks and every pirate called above, including Byron. She could hear every word the swashbuckling charmer spoke loud and clear, as if she were up on deck herself. Amily worried her pounding heart would give her away.

"No worries Hook. But we both know there's not only men on this ship. I believe you have a stowaway, correct?" Pan's smooth voice spoke formally and Amily couldn't help but shiver. She dared herself to lift her head just a little to see him up close once more.

"That's funny, I don't recall any stowaways on my ship. Everyone here is a valued crew member of the Jolly Roger and therefore has the protection of everyone aboard her" Hook spoke with the same formality as Pan but behind his voice was cold disgust.

Amily's heart throbbed at the loyalty of the Captain and his crew. She could practically hear the smug smile fall from Peter Pan's face. She lifted her head further, eager to see what would happen next.

From her hiding place Amily could see Byron and Jed standing on Hook's left and right and the rest of the crew behind them. Peter and Felix had their backs to Amily and they stood tall. Neither party looked like they were backing down any time soon.

"I came for the girl, where is she Hook?" Pan's facade had crumbled, he was getting desperate.

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to speak with you. So leave boy, before you cause any more trouble"

"I'm sure I can change Amily's mind if you bring her out from wherever she's hidden. Didn't you see the flag? We're not here to cause trouble" Even hidden, Amily could detect something off about Pan's voice. It sounded like impatience. She knew first hand of what Pan's temper could cause and she hoped for her new family's sake that they'd sort something out before things got out of hand.

 "Pan, why don't you and I just settle this little issue ourselves? Like partners?" Hook raised his eyebrows in question and Amily couldn't help but feel a twinge of rage. 'Little issue'? Was that all she was? Well then, she had had enough of hiding for one day.

Pan and Hook were still chatting between them like old friends when Amily slowly swung the lid back from her hiding place and carefully walked up the ladder, not taking her eyes of Pan. A few pirates saw her as she climbed out but they made no effort to react, they knew her plan. Amily slipped the carved knife from her belt and gripped it tightly in her hand.

"Look, how do you know she even wants to stay here?" Pan's voice was near hysterical with impatience.

Hook spied Amily just inches from Pan's back and smirked a little. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he spoke.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" he said smoothly.

That was Amily's cue. Before Pan had time to be confused or even look behind him, Amily had her knife at his neck. Instantly he froze but surprisingly, Amily could feel Pan chuckle in front of her. He raised his chin and grinned at Felix. She didn't know how Felix didn't see her sneak up.

"Any discussion of my freedom will be done while I am present, thank you very much" Amily whispered in Pan's ear. She could see pleased expressions on many pirates face. Captain Hook looked like he might have bursted with laughter. Byron and Jed smiled.

"Certainly. Hook would you care to join us?" Pan sounded calmer now, like he was inviting the pirate on a casual picnic.

"Of course. Shall we discuss this in the study?" Hook returned Pan's mock formality.

"Jolly good" Pan's shoulders went slack and Amily realized he was waiting for her to release him from her grip.

"You walk with my knife at your back or there'll be no conversation" Amily almost growled the words.

Captain's Quarters (Sequel to The Piper Boy)Where stories live. Discover now