Chapter 7

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After what had happened that day, though in a short space of time, Amily was exhausted. Immediately after Hook had escorted Pan and Felix off of the ship, she bid both him and Byron good night, staggered back to her quarters and collapsed onto the bed. Her last thought was of her new found freedom and how even now, it seemed too good to be true.


Amily was vaulted awake by the ship doing things it was not supposed to. She could have sworn that at one point it was upside-down. Finding her feet in the dizzying sickness that had followed the ship's radical upturn, Amily made her way above decks to see what had happened.

None of the pirates seemed concerned. Each just held on tightly to whatever they could reach. Jed looked oddly calm in this sort of situation. Come to think of it, they all did.

The Jolly Roger tumbled this way and that in the whirlpool yet amazingly Amily was able to make her way to the helm to speak with the captain.

"Hook! What the hell is going on?" she knew she shouldn't have sworn at him but the vomit in the back of her throat was threatening to make an appearance.

"Just a minor realms switch. Nothing to be worried about" Captain Hook's smile was crazy and it made Amily hold onto the railing all the more tighter.

"Realms switch? Wha- where are we going?" She had to shout through the sound of crashing waves and the whooping of adrenaline crazed pirates.

"We're running low on supplies and trust me, you do not want to be around Neverland when Pan's having a tantrum." He was right, Amily knew first-hand.

Something fluttered inside Amily's chest. Was there a chance they might return to somewhere she knew? Could she see her village again?

Once the storm had vanished and the skies were semi-clear Amily was able to stand up straight. But only after she emptied her stomach over the railing.

"Was that really necessary?" she asked sickly, wiping the spittle from her chin.

"Look at this way, that's probably the first and last time you'll be seasick. It's a pirate thing. Guess now you've officially found your sea legs, congratulations" Hook's voice was sarcastic and Amily knew why. If this was what she to do to get her 'sea legs' than she'd rather not.

"Why don't you get to scrubbing now love? There's bumpy seas ahead and you'll need every distraction possible. Or you could just go and see Byron" Hook wiggled his eyebrows at the last part and grinned cheekily. Amily just scowled but then she remember something very important about the handsome dishwasher. Ignoring Hook's remark, Amily decided to bring it up.

"Hook... who's Jack?" she asked slowly.

Hook's face darkened and he looked away for a moment and grimaced.

"That's a rough area to talk about lass and I'd rather not"

"Please? It has something to do with Byron, doesn't it? I'm his friend I deserve to know" Amily pressed. Hook couldn't meet her eyes.

"Come over here for a minute, a'right?" the pirate led Amily over to the helm and guided her hands to a comfortable position for steering. Over the last few days she had learnt how by watching Hook's movements. There was nothing to it really.

"What you have to understand, Amily, is that Byron wasn't always a pirate. And... there's a reason he hates Neverland more than the rest of us"

Amily gasped as the truth hit her.

"Byron was a lost boy!"

Hook just nodded and stared out at the rough open water.

"But he wasn't alone" he said coarsely.

Captain's Quarters (Sequel to The Piper Boy)Where stories live. Discover now