Chapter 9

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A shudder alerted Amily that the Jolly Roger had returned to Neverland and she was awake in an instant. It did not take them long to sail back into this realm but she was surprised at how much she didn't want to be back. Looking around she noticed that someone had been down while she was asleep. There was an empty plate lying next to the thief's cell.

"You're finally awake. You're a heavy sleeper, kid" said a voice. Amily's heart instantly began to thud fast. She didn't want to have killed the woman but she couldn't deny the part of her that wished she wouldn't wake up.

"I-I'm not normally. I had a tiring day today" She refused to look at the prisoner because she knew her fear of the woman would be obvious.

"Your captain decided to pay me a visit while you were out. He told me you're here by choice. That true?" she spoke gruffly.

"Yes. I ran away from... someone"

"Heartbreak?" the woman persisted.

"Yeah. How did you know?" asked Amily. She still refused to look but her mind was quickly changing about this woman.

"I could hear it in your voice. So what happened? He find someone else? He died?" Her voice was without tone, like she cared and yet she didn't.

"He's a monster" was all Amily said on the subject.

"Ah that type. Don't let no one control you, that's my motto. You tell me if he ever bothers you again, girl. Even these bars won't be able to hold me. I'd hate to see someone take advantage of you" Her tone was touching and now Amily had no choice but to look at her. The prisoner stared at her fiercely, there was no hint in her eyes that she was joking.

"You really mean that?" said Amily slowly

"I do. I trust you, kid. You've got your wits about ya. Never lose that" she said. Amily realized that the woman was leaning forward to get a better view and now that the social barrier had been broken, she relaxed and leant back against the corner of her cage.

"What's your name, kid?" said the woman.

"Amily. And yours?"

"Alexis" surprisingly the woman, Alexis, laughed.

"What's funny?" Amily just wasn't in the mood.

"I've made two new friends today. Never had that many friends in awhile" Alexis spoke slowly now, as if she were getting drowsy.

"I'm glad we're friends Alexis, it's been a long time since I've met another girl. Ahem, sorry, woman. Maybe some day Hook will let you out of this-" Amily looked over at her new friend but Alexis was already asleep.

Amily smirked, "- cage" she said to the silence.


"Psst, Amily!" Damn, she had to stop falling asleep at her post. The whisper from the doorway awoke her suddenly and her heart skipped a beat in fright.

"Who- who's there?" Her hand suddenly went to her belt where she kept her carved knife.

"It's me, Byron" The young pirate emerged from the doorway. Even in the dim light he was stil stunningly attractive. His biceps rippled beneath his torn sleeves and Amily had an urge to tuck the loose strands of wavy dirty-blonde hair back beneath his red bandanna.

"What do you want?" she was still suffering from the fight of being jolted awake by Byron's sudden whisper.

"Come above decks, I want you to see something" Byron's eyes shone gleefully even in the little light that the brig provided.

"But I can't leave. What if she wakes up?" Amily glanced over at Alexis who looked surprisingly peaceful while asleep.

"She's not getting out, she's locked up. Now come on!" Byron held out his hand and Amily couldn't help herself, she had to take it.

"Close your eyes" Byron stared at her expectantly until she did as he said.

He led her up the stairs carefully and through the darkness. Through the ships walls Amily could hear the loud snores of her fellow crew mates and she smiled. They were her family now and she wouldn't have it any other way.

The cool salty wind through her auburn locks made Amily aware that they were out in the open now and there was nothing but the sound of cool waves and the slight creaking of wood under her feet. It was so peaceful. Almost like the nights Amily would spend around a campfire in Neverland.

"" Byron's voice was in her ear behind her. Amily did as he said and her breath escaped her.

At first she thought it was just a strange golden cloud and she prepared herself for the unknown. But then the cloud started to separate into minuscule shapes like fireflies of all different colors.

"Oh, fairies!"

"Every evening they get together from all corners of the world to discuss, oh I don't know, fairy things" Byron looked on, as awestruck as she felt.

Each fairy flew off in all different directions and yet they all seemed to movie in what seemed like a synchronized, rehearsed dance. Every flutter and flicker seemed to be beautifully chorused.

"This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" said Amily breathlessly.

"Really? To me, it's the second most beautiful thing I've ever seen" said Byron quietly as he tucked an auburn lock behind Amily's ear gently.

"Byron... wait" Amily looked away from the sight in front of her and into the eyes of the beautiful boy beside her.

"I've had a lot of trouble trusting people again. I just can't..." she said slowly.

"I know Amily. But you've got to believe me, I would never hurt you. Not like he did, I swear" Byron held her shoulders and looked deep into her blue eyes.

"I want to believe you, really I do. But..." Amily didn't have time to finish. Byron was kissing her.

But it wasn't the kiss that she was used to. With Pan their kisses would be fiery, passionate yet there was no love or care in them. With Byron things were entirely different. He cradled her head carefully as though if he let it go it would fall to the ground and shatter. Byron didn't move to fast or separate her lips as a sign to go further. He just kissed her.

The night air mixed in with the kiss making it cool and tingly. Amily didn't tangle her hands in Byron's hair but she stroked his cheek affectionately, he was all she wanted. She sank into the coolness until it seemed like they were floating off the deck. They could have kissed for hours but once Byron had proved his point, they split apart. Neither spoke for several minutes.

Amily was somewhat sleepy and yet at the same time she had never felt more awake. She could've laughed at herself from a few minutes ago. Convinced she could never love again, how foolish.

"Amily, I have to say it, no matter how you feel about me. I love you" he spoke quietly and Amily's heart gave a shudder.

She should say it, every fibre of her being was telling her to say it. Amily knew that she had never been brave enough to say anything of the sort to Pan. It was like her mind was telling her something was off the whole time, which it was. And the whole time she didn't listen to herself, she didn't listen to what her body and her mind was telling her. In that moment, Amily decided she'd never make that mistake again.

"I love you too" she said slowly. It felt right.

Byron let out his breath that he had apparently been holding the whole time and pulled Amily in for a loving hug. She returned it gratefully.

"I love you Byron, I love you so much" she whispered. And it was entirely true. There was no denying it anymore. Byron was the cure to all her problems, he was the anti-Pan basically.

"Good night Amily. I'll see you tomorrow" Byron kissed her forehead and then left her alone on the decks. Everything that had happened that evening seemed not quite normal and yet it was perfect.

"Good night" she couldn't wait to see her new love tomorrow.

Little did Amily know, she would not see Byron in the morning. She had thought that her nightmares had finally ended and the real dreams would come to replace them. But her worst nightmare was about to come true.

Captain's Quarters (Sequel to The Piper Boy)Where stories live. Discover now