Chapter 11

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(A/N I am so sorry this chapter took so long. But here it is, enjoy!)

"Please, Peter Pan, let's discuss this. Just you and me" Amily held out her hand for the knife in Pan's hand. After the fright had vanished from her she knew how she was going to play the situation.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Pan gripped the handle tighter.

"Pan, come on... I'm here. Let Byron go" Amily managed a small smile to try and convince Pan she was on his side.

"I have to finish this" After he had said this to her, the boy started to mutter it to himself repeatedly as he turned to finish his work.

Amily was desperate for something, anything, to say that would stop Pan long enough that Hook and Alexis could tun and grab Byron. She grabbed the first thing that came to mind.

"Pan, I want to stay. I really do. Because..." Amily let out a breath and squeezed her eyes shut. The poisonous words were stuck at the back of her throat. "Because, I love you"

Every pair of eyes in the camp were on her. Even Byron's head had perked up to look at her oddly. She was surprised that her companions seemed to believe her words, unless they were better at playing along than she gave them credit for.

Peter Pan turned to face her slowly. Amily's heart was in her throat and her palms were sweaty. She hoped it was enough, but the look on the face of the boy in front of her said otherwise.

"You love me?" he said through gritted teeth.

"Of course" said Amily gently. The lie tasted bitter in her mouth,

And then Pan said the words Amily wished she wouldn't gave to hear.

"Prove it"

She hoped the grimace wasn't obvious on her face. Closing her eyes in what Amily hoped looked like impatience but what was really hideous embarrassment and humiliation, she moved forward. The world sank away and there was just her and Pan, staring at each other. It was the most perculiar of situations for the both of them. Amily supposed that she could try once more to get out of what she would inevitably have to do.

"Why Pan? You know in your heart that I do" she attempted a small smile but it turned out to look somewhat scared.

"I can still do this, Amily" Pan turned to continue torturing Byron and held the rock up high near his victim's forehead. Byron's eyes were closed and he appeared to be deeply asleep.

"Pan, please. I'll prove it to you, just put the knife down" He did as Amily said and backed away from Byron. From the look on Pan's face she wondered if he ever really intended to hurt him and faked it just to motivate her.

"Wh-what do you want me to do?" Amily was scared. There was no way she was going to escape this island now.

"Come here, Amily" Pan held out his hand for her and she had no choice but to move forward and slip in her hand.

It was sickening how much she wished that things could have been easier and that deep down she truly did love the boy in front of her. But for some reason it has always been Byron. Fate has a cruel way of bringing the things we have no choice to accept into our lives through the most inconvenient way possible.

And there Amily stood. Torn between running away from the person who haunted her nightmares and letting him back into her heart and mind completely.

Pan's hand was still bloody yet it gripped Amily's tightly. But instead of doing what she thought he would do, the Lost Boy led her to the stone slab in the centre of the camp. She could see Byron's face clearly and went numb with despair.

His eyes were open now and he was looking straight at her. The look in his warm brown eyes begged for relief from this horrible torture and Amily deeply wished she could save him from it yet there was no way she was letting him go. 

"I'm so sorry" she mouthed. Byron breathed in deeply and closed his eyes, continuing his sleeping facade.

Amily concentrated on Byron's peaceful face and barely noticed something slip carefully into her hand which dangled at her side. When Pan came to stand beside her and look down at Byron also, she gripped the object tightly and felt a sharp sting.

"What is-" Amily looked down at the knife in her hand.

"I need to know that you've let go, Amily. I don't want to have to make you do this but you've given me no choice" Pan's face looked sincerely sympathetic, but of course she knew he was lying.

"You want me to-" Amily choked on her own words.

"Kill him. He needs to be put out of his misery, Amily. Byron's in pain"

"You don't care if he's in pain! You just want him out of the way so you can have me all to yourself!" Amily screamed as loudly as her cracked and emotional voice would allow.

"I need to know your love is true. I need you to let everything go" Pan tucked a loose lock of Amily's auburn hair behind her ear. She was determined to hold back the tears but they stung the back of her eyes persistently.

"You know that's not what this is about" she whispered.

"I want you to stay. Here. Where you truly belong" Peter Pan's voice cracked, as if he too was getting emotional.

"You can see through it all can't you?" Amily's voice was barely audible now but Pan could still hear it yet no one else could. It was like they were alone in the camp.

"If you won't kill him and accept your destiny here, then I will do it for you. And you will live here forever in a cage" Pan spoke gruffly. He was getting impatient.

"I'd be in a cage anyway, wouldn't I?" said Amily.

"No, you wouldn't. You'd be a queen. My queen. Our mother" At that, Amily looked around at the other Lost Boys. They looked as eager and earnest as Pan's words suggested and this time Amily struggled to see the blunt cruelty behind the act.

"Alright. I'll do it" she muttered. In the corner of Amily's eye she could see the shocked expressions of Hook and Alexis. Her heart throbbed to see Hook's left hand intertwined with Alexis' right. If Amily was to stay, that would be the first thing she would miss. The blossoming love between these two wonderful people.

"It'll be quick, I promise. Just one, two three and bring the knife down" Pan's hands found her waist and lingered there. He rested his head on her shoulder to overlook everything that was going on.

Before bringing the knife down though, Amily leant forward to whisper in Byron's ear.

"Byron, I love you. I'd hoped we could have run away together to a new life if we had the chance but I guess that will never be. I'll never forget you" She planted a light kiss on his cheek before positioning the knife over his heart.

"Good bye"

And in one swift movement, she bought the knife down.

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