Chapter 12

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Amily could've laughed.

No one saw it coming.

She wished she could see Pan when he finally figured it out.

In one fluid motion Amily stretched her arm out to the right, cutting in everything in her path. Including the ropes that tied Byron to the rock. It was almost humorous, the fact that Pan had tied Byron up with only ropes around his waist and legs. Amily could cut them in one swift flick of her wrist.

"NOW!" she screamed. In an instant, the seven pirates that accompanied her plus Alexis charged the camp. The Lost Boys were hardly prepared.

Pan whirled and grunted in outrage. He didn't have time to deal with Amily, his camp was under siege. Grabbing a nearby sword off the ground he ran straight for Hook and started a fierce battle with him.

Amily grabbed Byron's hand and pulled him from the rock. He was still unsteady but at least he managed to stand up. She held his hand tightly and vowed to never let him go again.

"Come on, let's get out of here"

Deciding that his dazed pain would only slow them down, Amily slung Byron's arm around her shoulders for support. Together they limped through the battle, avoiding pouncing Lost Boys and battle-crazed pirates, and out of the camp.

"Wait... what about them?" Byron said weakly. He gestured with his other hand backwards at the camp.

"I've got to get you out of here first"

Once they had made it back to the boat Amily laid Byron down gently and let him lie there. She gathered some spare rags they had bought along to put over his wounds but Amily was worried that there was little she could do for him until the battle was won and they could return to the Jolly Roger.

"Byron, I have to go back and fight. But... you have to stay. You're not strong enough to fight" When Byron looked like he would protest Amily held up her hand to silence him. "Shhhh, no one will find you here" she said soothingly. Quickly she placed a light peck on his sweaty forehead and ran back into the jungle.

Amily sprinted as fast as she could and she was surprised at how nimble she had become and she loved the feeling of belonging somewhere and having something to fight for. Even when she was a Lost Girl she would always be on the sidelines, never allowed to fight for something she truly wanted. Something she needed. Now she had a purpose. Something to fight for. And that something was a family.

Before she plunged back into the camp, Amily halted and took a deep breath. She could hear the battle raging ahead and started to shake but out of exhilaration, not fear.

"This is my time. My family needs me" she said the words aloud to herself and smiled. They felt wondrous to say.

"I don't think so, unfortunately. Your time is up" said a voice behind her. But if Amily was expecting someone, it certainly wasn't who she turned to see.

"Felix" she said before turning. That drawling, sarcastic voice was easily recognisable anywhere.

"You've messed things up well enough, haven't you?" he said as Amily turned slowly to face him.

"What can I say? I have a habit of doing that" Amily wasn't afraid of him. She had come so far, Felix couldn't stand in her way.

"Yes you do. But I'm afraid that can't happen anymore. This is the last time you or your so-called 'family' ever disrupt the peace here in Neverland"

"Disrupting the-?" Amily burst out laughing.. "I was fine on the Jolly Roger! I was perfectly content with staying exactly where I was with the new people who accepted me as one of their own. It was YOU who disrupted us. It's not my fault that Pan couldn't just let me be! I don't even know why he wants me so much!" Amily screamed the words at him yet Felix didn't even flinch.

Captain's Quarters (Sequel to The Piper Boy)Where stories live. Discover now