Chapter 8

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Captain Hook often thought of who he was before he was a pirate, especially in such situations as this when he just sat his desk and stared into space. Who was he? Killian Jones, liutenant, gifted sailor, brother. His brother was his only family and back then, what he thought was what mattered the most. What would Killian's brother think of who he was now? Leather clad, hook for a hand, a swagger and a scowl to hide his pain, it sure would be a sight.

But then this beautiful ray of pure sunshine had come into his life. He knew why the Dark One was attacted to dear Milah. She was a light in the darkness, an escape from the troubles of life.

They were so close. So close to officially starting a new life upon the seas. Killian could still remember her soft hair blowing in the salty wind, the way she could carry a knife between her teeth and sweet red lips. He had never loved something so much. Yet he could remember what Pan had said to him not a month ago about how he had always loved stolen things. Surely that wasn't the only reason he loved Milah?

No, no it wasn't. He was the answer to her problems of course, but she was the answer to his too. He was the freedom she had always craved, the life she so rightly deserved. And she was well, everything Killian never expected to have.

And then she was taken, not just once, but twice. The Dark One crushed her heart, right in front of him and in that moment all the pain that he had felt from losing his brother had resurfaced. Why was it that he seemed like the only person who could never be truly happy?

Which is why, when he saw that Pan had found someone, he wasn't just surprised but jealous. Killian Jones wasn't evil and neither was Captain Hook at heart. But for some strange reason fate had deprived him of someone to love and given it to someone with no heart. Someone as dark and forboding as darkness itself found love. Now Hook had seen everything.

And then that monster of a 'boy' just waltzed back in to ruin not only Hook's life but the partnership that they had going. Never was he doing trade again with that demon.

So on days like this when Hook sat idly listening to the waves and the distant shouts of his crew working above, not only did he think of his past, but he also thought of his future and where this never-ending life of pillaging, sailing and pirating would lead him. One things for sure though, he never expected a girl such as Amily to board his ship. 

He was fond of her of course, but in the paternal almost fatherly sort of way. She had that natural ability to make anyone she meets love her. But since Bae, Hook had never thought he could love a child let alone be loved by one. It was a pleasant and completely unexpected surprise.

He couldn't deny that often when he was with Milah he had considered starting a family. Many a sailor had confided in him that they frequently wished that they had bought their families and especially their children into their lifestyle. You had to be born with the sea in your blood or you'd never understand it.

At times Hook would have to remind himself that the girl he thought of as his daughter was the love of his arch-enemy/partner. Boy, that was laugh.

For some reason Hook found his legs pulling him away from his desk and down into the brig. Ever since the lady-thief had come upon his ship he had been transfixed by her, hypnotized. She was something so completely different. She hadn't given into his charm and gone wobbly at the knees. And she was damn good with a whip.

Once he had fully descended the stairs he had to stifle a laugh at the scene before him. Amily was asleep beside the thief's cage with drool dribbling down her chin and in the corner of the cage sat the thief herself with her head resting on her knees. Neither did stir as he walked further into the room and starting preparing a plate for his prisoner, after he threw a rough woollen blanket over Amily's lap. She had had a big day.

Hook turned his back on the two ladies and started to boil water for tea and cut a hard piece of bread. He frowned at the poorness of the whole thing. It would make an impression that was for sure, just not the right one.

After the bread was cut and Hook had removed some mold, he stood idly waiting for the water to boil.

"I don't need your charity, you know" said a voice behind him.

Hook closed his eyes and smiled.

"I wouldn't call it that. I'd call it a favour" he said smoothly. The woman's gruff voice didn't scare him in the slightest.

"A favour? You lock me up and take me away from my home and you call feeding me a favour?" The woman laughed but it was empty of humour.

Hook turned to look at her.

"Have you looked at yourself lately? You're starved. Anyway I'd say that I've given you a chance at a new life. Unless you really do like to call that prison back there your home?"

"I don't need to tell you anything" she had gone from staring at him to looking at Amily. Her face was expressionless.

"I suppose she's your prisoner too? Or do you treat her like all pirates treat young girls?" The woman's voice was defensive now and Hook felt a twinge of anger.

"Now you stop right there. She's my guest and I... I care about her"

This time there was humour in the woman's laugh.

"I know. I was just riling you up. You wouldn't glue her to the outside of my cage if she was a prisoner. She'd be in a cage like me"

The kettle started to squeal over the fire and Hook removed it and began to pour the tea.

"She really hasn't left you yet?" Hook was proud.

"Nope. She hasn't known I've woken up yet either. I didn't want to scare her" The woman's voice was gentle and there was something else there that Hook couldn't detect. After handing her the plate and the tea he pulled up a chair to make himself comfortable for a chat.

"What your name, lass?" he asked cheerfully.

"Why should I tell you?" Her voice was flat but she didn't seem to have enough energy to fight right then and there.

"Well it's called making conversation. I assume you're familiar with it?" Hook forced as much charming sarcasm into his words.

"Alexis. No last name" she said shortly.

"Killian Jones. But you know my nickname. Nice to meet you" said Hook. She didn't say anything for a while so he decided to speak up once again.

"So... what's your story?"

Alexis scowled and continued to focus on Amily.

"I've been on my own for as long as I can remember. People tried to put me in an orphanage, I killed them. As long as I've lived I've killed people who try to contain me. So you can probably guess why I'm so hostile at you for putting me in a cage" This time she smiled but still refused to look at him.

"And you, Hook? What's your story?"

Hook smiled and leant forward.

"Well it all started a few years back, I was in the navy..."

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