Tulips for Gene

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At last, we have Gene's chapter! A few warnings beforehand: this chapter goes deeper into LGBT+ themes and has a Male x Male pairing. If that's not for you, then I don't recommend this. There is also drunk Gene, various other soulmate pairings and hints at Louise's soulmate, so prepare yourself. Hopefully you enjoy!

Gene knew in his heart that once he knew who his soulmate was, they'd be a true power couple.

Unlike Tina's class, Gene's senior class was relatively quiet on the matter of soulmates. The one exception was Lenny DiStefano, who was keeping his soulmate a secret, despite his birthday having been three months ago. It didn't help Lenny's case that almost every girl in school was hoping it'd be her name on his wrist, and that he was just playing hard to get.

Gene figured Lenny's soulmate was probably someone who was like, 12 right now. He told his class this. At least his friends got a laugh out of it. Lenny, not so much.

Gene's birthday was in May, so it was almost the end of the school year when he found out. He was grateful for this. He got to watch all his friends find out who their soulmates were first, but he'd still be included in the fun.

Courtney had found out her soulmate was Regular-Sized Rudy in December. She told him after winter break. He responded with a poorly timed asthma attack. Gene was pretty sure they're fine now. Maybe. Meh, they'll work it out either way.

Gene was more curious about who his soulmate was than anything. Unlike his sister two years before him, Gene was relatively open-minded about who it could be. He didn't really have any expectations. He didn't even have his mind set on the person's gender. Then again, most of his class didn't. Tina knowing her soulmate would be a guy was relatively rare. Gene's open to pretty much anyone- at least, that's what he's telling people.

The thing is, Gene's scared that he and his soulmate won't get along. He wants then to be a power duo- the Jay-Z and Beyoncé of the Wharf (with him being Beyoncé, of course). He didn't want his soulmate to be some stick in the mud that didn't want to have any fun. Or worse, someone that tried to stop him from having fun.

He wished that he had some sort of idea, some inkling of who his soulmate could be. No one has approached him about getting his name. Comparing his upcoming soulmate experience to his sisters' soulmates was not making things any easier. Despite the initial surprise pairing of Tina and Zeke, they actually made a lot of sense. Now they are just another disgustingly sweet couple who were lucky enough to find their soulmates early in life.

Louise doesn't get her soulmate tattoo for another two years, but Gene already knows who it is. Apparently, her soulmate got their tattoo awhile ago, and is figuring out how to approach the situation. Although he has never personally seen the tattoo, it's been confirmed by Linda. Needless to say, Louise is in for quite a shock.

Naturally, Gene has been pondering about his soulmate a lot more recently. He wonders if his soulmate has been planning the perfect approach, like Louise's. He wonders if they will worship the ground he walks on, like Zeke does with Tina.

He wonders if they even know yet, or if they are still too young to get their tattoo.

He wonders if he knows who they are.

He wonders if they'll be happy to see his name.

And he worries that they'll be disappointed.

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