Daisies for Louise

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And finally, we have Louise's chapter! Just a heads up, this chapter is significantly longer than Gene and Tina's chapters, but for good reasons. 1), This chapter wraps up everyone's stories, not just Louise's. 2.), While it becomes pretty obvious who Louise's soulmate is going to be, this chapter is more about Louise coming to terms with having a soulmate than it is about the 'big reveal'.

So, I present to you 'Daisies for Louise'... the final installment of "Flowers, Birth Dates, and Soulmates! Enjoy!

Louise was so grateful that her birthday was in July.

After seeing all the crap that her class went through their Senior year, she was glad she'd learn who her soulmate was after she graduated. None of her idiot classmates could interfere or whine to her about it. She could deal with whatever name showed up on her wrist in total solitude.

Louise could honestly care less about who her soulmate was. If anything, the presence of a soulmate would just mess with her head. Imagine if she actually knew the person? They might expect her to change her future plans around them. Wouldn't they be disappointed.

She had a plan, a very solid plan, for what she would do after graduation. She was going to a community college for two years, and then get a degree in business at a four-year college nearby. Then she'd work at her family's restaurant with her newly acquired business skills until her parents decided to retire. Then the beloved Bob's Burgers was all hers.

It was a rather boring plan, but nonetheless it was hers, and that alone made it perfect. Nowhere in said plan was a soulmate involved. And she refused to change it around for anyone; unlike her siblings, whose whole futures were dependent on their soulmates.

Tina and Zeke looked at colleges together; ones that had culinary arts for Zeke and Creative Writing for Tina. They settled on one about two hours away from the Wharf, where they spent the next four years together drowning in debt and their annoying love for each other. Zeke proposed to the eldest Belcher daughter at their graduation ceremony as he received his diploma. It was disgustingly sweet, and oh, so perfect for Tina.

Gene and Lenny were even worse. Louise doubts the pair has left each other's sides since Lenny grew a pair and asked Gene out. Once they graduated, Gene and Lenny cashed in on the DiStefano family fortune and traveled for a good year and a half. Now they're more local, with Gene working music venues at Wonder Wharf and Lenny doing some family business bullshit that Louise never cared to ask about.

While she was happy that her siblings were happy, Louise never understood how a soulmate could possibly benefit her like it did for Gene and Tina. She's always known who she was and what she wanted.

And she doesn't want a soulmate. They'd just slow her down.

Louise kept this attitude about soulmates all her life, but especially during in the months before her 18th birthday. High school came and went, and the youngest Belcher was enrolled in Wagstaff Community College.

Currently she was sitting at the counter at Bob's Burgers, going through her course catalogue. She wanted to pick her classes soon before they filled up, because there was no way in Hell she was taking a morning class. Fuck that. Her willingly signing up for more school was already a miracle in itself.

Louise was finishing up her class list choices when a voice interrupted her concentration. "Whatcha looking at, Four Ears?"

Louise rolled her eyes. Of course her parents scheduled him tonight.

"Goddamnit Logan, I'm busy."

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