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"Miriam... Miriam..."


Specks of dust and falling debris clouded his vision, a thunderous pounding in his head. Tony Stark pushed with a groan, pulling away from Steve Rogers who's body had practically fell on top of him. Despite his body's protests of trauma he attempted to stand, running towards the area of explosion where he had just watched Miriam Morales fall off. Her head had banged loudly against one of the walls just before she'd tipped off the helicarrier.

Tony scrambled forward amongst the chaos, hoping she was caught somewhere in the collision, holding onto dear life by one of the many entangled wires, anything to signify she was alive but no... there was nothing. He couldn't see her falling body, just the endless clouds they were hidden in.

"Tony!" Steve called out, pushing the man back before the plane was hit again and tony tipped over. He to took a moment to look over the side, finding it empty, there was no time though, they needed to save the rest of the people on the jet. "Put on the suit!"

Tony nodded, turning in the other direction as much as he wanted to protest. "Jarvis, hack into SHIELD and open a communications link with Miriam's earpiece."

"Sir, that may take awhile." The compute automated machine answered after a brief second.

"Work fast, she's falling at a thousand miles." He hissed back, running at full speed to the storage space his suit was being held in. "Fury!"

"Miriam has fallen out of the sky before, she will be fine!" Fury answered after a moment too long.

Steve scoffed, going in his own direction, "you can't be serious! She's unconscious!"

"If there's anyone capable of surviving it's her, I have to worry about what's going on up here. She'll be back." He answers back.

"Not good enough," Tony responded although it was more to himself then anyone else because no one else seemed to answer. Just as he pressed the small device to open the Iron Man suit's container he called up Jarvis once more. "Update."

"Open," Jarvis responded within a second. "Her earpiece appears slightly damaged but other then that I've got her."

"Miriam! Miriam!" Tony practically yelled into his earpiece as the suit began to take form around his body and he flew out.

"Turbine looks mostly intact but it's impossible to get out there to make repairs while we're in the air."

"If we lose one more engine, we won't be. Somebody's got to get outside and patch that engine."

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