Chapter 1

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Copyright © 2014 Athena Heart

Elena Cruise bit down on her bottom lip. Her fingers gripped the steering wheel tightly as she watched the elderly lady cross, before her Mercedes SLR. If there was a race between a snail and the lady still crossing before her car, Elena was sure the slug would have won.

As if knowing her thoughts, the elderly woman turned towards the white Mercedes' driver with an apologetic smile. A tinge of guilt pinched Elena's heart. Yet, she wasn't in the mood for smiles. Forcefully, her hand shot out and gave the pedestrian a friendly wave.

The sun was high up in the sky and the trees swayed gently back and forth. Elena, loved the Florida sun, sky, and sea. Today, her mind was filled with several thoughts, leaving no room for a sense of enjoyment over Nature's lovely gifts.

"Maybe, I am worrying too much...there must be a way out." Elena spoke to her reflection on the rear-view mirror.

The chocolate eyes staring back at her were a stranger's. Her own eyes forced her to admit, the sadness that has been residing in her heart for the past year. On this hot and stagnant day, the truth stared at her. She couldn't deny it no longer. She looked different. The hint of the double chin present a year ago, was replaced by a sharp jaw line. Her appetite was not what it had been.

Elena squeezed her eyes tight. A headache was simmering like a slow building fire. The recent news from her mother had only aggravated the vexation she had felt. It was fatigue of the heart that she wrestled with on most nights. Sleeplessness was her regular companion. Opening her eyes, she noticed the lack of the twinkle and laughter in them. It was the first time, she acknowledged what was going on inside of her.

When she finally managed to sleep last night, the alarm blared. It quickly saw its demise when it was flung across the room, hitting a nearby wall. As she shook the cobwebs of sleep, panic struck. Mel was going to kill her. She was late. Rummaging through her wardrobe, she had pulled out a simple, long-sleeved white blouse and black skinny jeans.

Stopping at another traffic light, Elena grabbed her Prada handbag and searched for the Dior tube of red glamour, which she knew would never fail her. She had always preferred going foundation free on her porcelain smooth face. Her fingers found the tube and she pulled it, while keeping an eye on the flickering green light. She spread the velvet red shade across her full lips, puckered them and smiled.

"Love you, Dior!" She blew an invisible kiss to the lipstick.


Elena jumped in her seat. The lipstick slipped from her fingers and tumbled onto the car's floor. She cast a look to the traffic light. Oh, oh! The Mercedes purred to life and she drove fast.

"Perhaps, I should talk to mum." A thought sprang up. "It's just way too sudden."

At that thought, a smile formed and her chocolate brown eyes twinkled. However, she needed an excellent plan to change her mother's mind. Gloria Cruise, was a determined soul who stuck by her decisions no matter what.

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