Chapter 18

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"What? Come again?" Elena blinked her eyes in disbelief.

"Dean, is a fourth, generation, Ma-fia. family." Mel replied slowly emphasizing each word in her statement.

Elena leaned back in the chair and put a hand to her left cheek. She silently mouthed to herself, "Mafia? My dad. My mum. They decided to get me married to someone from the Mafia?" Elena asked Mel. "I thought the Italian Mafia was a myth by the media. So, it's true. They exist. And Dean... I almost became a mafia wife." Her thoughts went back to the argument in Dean's bedroom. "He lied to me."

Mel shrugged, not knowing exactly what to say. "Ye...ah...I...guess that was...their plan."

"What else Mel?"

Mel bit her lip again, hesitating to proceed as what she must say but will only further upset Elena. They were sitting outside a café having lunch. Elena had finished her Foie Gras infused with sweet potato and green zucchini.

"Mel! C'mon tell me, what else is there?"

"Ok Elena...just prepare yourself." With a deep sigh, Mel continued. "Since the sixties, the Bishops had amassed millions. The family was been linked to several million dollar worth of crimes. They have a stake in almost every casino, restaurant, discos, bars, clubs all across Europe."

Mel paused, letting the information sink into Elena.

"And you gathered all these from the Internet?"

"Yeah...well at least that's what the European media had reported!"

Elena took a sip of her latter. Putting the cup back on the table, she wrapped her fingers around it. "What about the police? Weren't they able to nail anything on the Bishops?"

She felt bad for asking such a question. They were after all people that she knew growing up.

"Others had shouldered the blame and responsibilities of crimes committed. The Bishops over the decades had prospered into high socialites." Mel replied. "Besides, there are rumours the pólice are on the Bishops' payroll. The Comissoner's daughter is one of the Bishops' daughters-in-law."

Elena looked over her shoulder. "We better get going Mel, we've stayed in this place a lil too long." She said, noting the passer-bys who glanced their way.

The women grabbed their bags and headed to a taxi stand. Elena was consciously looking over her shoulder checking out everyone who passed by them.

"I am behaving like some deranged woman, aren't I?" She asked as they crossed the street to a waiting cab.

Mel paused while holding onto Elena. "Ele...please...just relax! We are here! He is in Italy! For now, let's just think about getting to Katarina's place."

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