Chapter 16

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With a shriek, she found herself falling.

Her fingers gripped the ledge with all their might. In a nimble and swift pace, she regained her fortitude and unleashed a couple of ultimate whacks onto the window. It popped open!

Without wasting a second to gloat over her victorious efforts, she took off the sling bag from her shoulders and threw it out of the window. She heard it plop on the ground outside. Squeezing herself through the window, she almost let out a yell when she heard gun shots. Biting down on her lip to stop from screaming, she hustled and concentrated in easing her body out of the window. Now with fingers gripping the outer ledge, she took in a deep breath and released her fingers. Like her feline namesake, she landed on all fours on the grassy ground, outside the toilet.

Dean burst into the toilet to find it empty and he knew Elena had slipped away right under his aristocratic – like nose. One of the widely opened windows above made him jump on top of the sink and grab the ledge. Pulling himself up, he saw the outside was empty except for two nuns who were standing at the nearby bushes, talking to each other. The window was too small for his frame to fit but was the perfect size for Elena's body to squeeze through. He dropped to the floor and ran out of the toilet.

Elena's head popped out from behind the bushes. In good sense, she had dived for cover and had done so just in time as she spied Dean's head and shoulders looking out from the same window she had climbed out from just seconds ago. The window frame wouldn't have allowed his bigger body to squeeze through unlike it did for her smaller frame.

Patting her chest to calm her terrified heart, she crawled out of the bushes and looked up to see the kindest pairs of eyes looking down at her. The two nuns looked at her in confusion and then at each other. One held each other's hand and pulled her away from the young woman with a strange looking blond hair. Elena shot to her feet. She ran after them. Salvation was near and she wasn't about to let it get away from her.

The nuns went about their way hastily, looking with apprehension at the woman speeding after them, they crossed themselves and prayed in French for themselves for the good Lord's protection from all evil.

Elena spotted Leo running inside the hospital's main doors and saw a taxi wait by the main entrance. "That must be the one Mel told me about." She spoke to herself softly and ran, whilst keeping her eyes on the main doors, in case Dean should run out. Her eyes searched for her red headed friend and groaned when she couldn't see Mel anywhere. But something else caught her eye – Dean's shining silver Ferrari. She could see her reflection on it. The car mocked her, warning her that there would be no escape from its owner.

Mel's heels went clickety, clackety loudly on the hospital floors. Bang! Bang! Bang! Her heart pounded with each gun shot and she risked a look behind her and saw Dean bolt into the ladies' toilet.

"Holy Guacomole, Ele!" She hoped that the Heavens would be kind and let Elena evade Dean. She needed it.


This time it was the sound of Mel banging onto a wall.

"Hey!" A loud male voice forced her eyes to whip to another pair of green eyes, the same color as her own.

"Going somewhere in a hurry, red!" Leo asked stepping into her space.

Mel's lips parted in wonder. What a gorgeous piece of work this man is... She mused to herself. If it had been a different set of circumstances, Mel would have probably been the first to ask him out on a date. "I'm sorry." She side stepped but he took a huge step back and got in front of her again.

"Who are you?" He asked sizing her up from top to toe.

"Why do you wanna know?"

"American!" He said in a loud voice that made Mel want to jump out of her skin but she maintained her poise.

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