Chapter 2

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Copyright 2014 by Athena Heart

Dean drove into the driveway and stopped just behind his parents' car. As he got out of the car, he looked at the garden with the angel fountain in its middle. Rose bushes surrounded it. Just as he remembered. There were lesser trees now. The grass was still mowed and well-trimmed. Gloria Cruise always made a fuss about this garden of hers. It also brought back memories of the times when he used to chase Elena all about the garden and she would get her dresses or pant legs caught in the thorny rose bushes. He had always come to her rescue, only to chase her again. She was a screamer, constantly telling him to get away from her. She had always hated him. And now he was back.

"Senor Bishop?" The woman at the door greeted him. "Good afternoon."

He nodded. She appeared to be in her forties. The thick Spanish accent reminded him of Elena's favourite ballet teacher, Mrs. Augustine.

The woman's eyes scrolled from his head down to his feet. "Is it true you are going to marry our young miss?" She asked, excitement brewing in her voice.

"Si, Senorita." He took her hand and kissed the back of it.

"Oh!" The older woman literally blushed, the redness filling her sun – kissed cheeks. She slapped her palms onto each of her cheeks. "You are very handsome."

"Where is your young miss?"

"Missy Elena is with her mother in the living hall. This way..." She beckoned him to follow her.

Elena was seated between Dean's parents and her mother sat across them. In as much as she had told Mel that she wasn't at all disturbed by the tall blue – eyed stranger, she couldn't help but feel a strong pull of attraction towards him. She wondered if Dean would look anything like him.

"C'mom, Ele...admit it. This guy's hot, isn't he? You became like butter in his arms just now, outside the Chez."

"No! He's a jerk and I hate those types." Elena had blown out a breath.

Mel had laughed. "I dunno. Probably because you are such a tight cunted princess."

Elena had reached out and pinched her friend's arm. Unaffected by the pinch, "Admit it, Ele." Mel continued. "Guys like that just get all weak when they look into those sweet brown eyes of yours.

Elena sighed thinking of Mel's words. Maybe she was right. There was no other explanation as to why Dean had insisted that she was his girlfriend, even when they had no proper courtship or dated. She knew she wasn't ugly and she had been voted the most beautiful in college yearly. But looks aside, was Dean even compatible with her? The boy she knew, was a terror. She never hurt anybody. He always hurt someone. At an early age of fourteen, her mother had constantly begun to remind her of the promise their two families had made to each other. The wedding.

She tried very hard to remain poised and in control of her emotions as the parents excitedly chatted about the wedding. Her wedding. One that she didn't want to happen. Amazed at how fast the wedding plans had progressed with none of her involvement, Elena forced small smiles at Roberto and Liza Bishop.

Liza was literally bouncing off the couch, holding Elena's hand in hers and talking about the gown that she will wear on that dastardly day. And her mother was adding salt to her flustering wounds about how Dean and she will look just picture perfect together.

"There you are honey." She heard Liza's cheerful voice.

Elena's eyes shot to the man standing before them, the man who was soon-to-be her husband. Her jaw fell to the shiny marble floor.

Liza got up to kiss her son on the cheek. He kissed her back and then extended a hand to Gloria.

"My, my...Dean honey." Gloria welcomed him with a motherly hug. She had already met him months ago and excitedly, nodded in approval of how a wonderful partner he would make for her daughter.

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