Chapter 19

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Copyright © 2021 by J Malhotra

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods. Any resemblance to the characters featured in this story or other similarities will be taken into investigation, should a need arise and if necessary legal actions will also be taken. 

With his body pressed against hers on that hard and cold wall, Dean demanded and Leila Cali gave without restraint.

"Stop it!" Her head warned. "You know he never gave a damn about you before and certainly not now." Leila's head often gave admonishments, reminding that Dean's heart was not for. Yet, a woman's heart knows no limits when it loves, even if the dude is an all-time jerk.

It was always Elena, Elena and Elena! Oh how much, Leila wanted to tear Elena to bits and pieces. The very sight annoyed of the brunette princess annoyed the hell out of Leila.

Her fingers ran through Dean's hair but her thoughts shifted towards an absent Elena. When news reached her ears, of how Dean had let Elena slip right through his fingers, fireworks lit up around Leila. She had seen Dean thorough all if his highs and damned lows of the Mafia life. What the h*ll, she was even there, filled with all glee when he was crowned the new Don by his Nonno. Where was Elena all this time? Cooped up in her princess home waiting for Dean to bail her rotten family out of the debts. When Elena was in the Bishop Manor, Leila had made it a point, with an iron determination, to make Elena's life miserable. Imagine if Cinderella's two step-sisters were a combined force in Leila – still that never happened. Dean watched her like an eagle, leaving not even a miserable second for Leila to unleash her hatred onto Elena. Yet... Elena was gone. She left Dean.

Much to Leila's relief and delight, Elena had brought great humiliation to the Bishop family. Word spread like wildfire. Before Dean got home, the news was already out to the Calis, the Falcone family and the Messina Clan. All three families came from a generational line of Mafia influence gained from the Bishops. Their partnerships with the Bishops meant a steady flow off millions into their homes. And the Mafia world, was now amused and scratched its head, wondering what was it that Dean Bishop saw in that American girl.

The Bishop patriarch had summoned his grandson at the very moment, Dean's feet got into Leo's car. Left with no choice but to heed his Nonno, Dean reluctantly and temporarily gave up his pursuit of his future wife. With his bare hands, Nonno Alessandro shred the newspaper to bits. The headline, "Bishop son stands humiliated" with a picture of Dean looking at his damaged car was glaring back at Dean from its scattered place.

Leila had sneaked behind the grand oak doors and listened as Alessandro berated his grandson for showcasing stupidity and dragging down the family name. Suppressing a giggle, Leila had continued to eavesdrop.

Alessandro hardly intervened in anything his beloved grandson did, believing and knowing fully well, Dean was more than capable of managing the entire Bishop Empire. But this one incident had his nostrils flaring and seeing red. He had always objected to the marriage-promise between the Cruise girl and his grandson. To Alessandro Bishop, Elena Cruise was not worthy of the title to be a Bishop daughter-in-law. And that was all Leila needed. Elena had Dean and the entire Bishop Family twisted in a nasty coil of humiliation and shame. Leila was the balm he needed to soothe his wounds. And she was here now, in his arms

Dean knew that he didn't want to make love to Leila this night. He wasn't kissing her because he was in a state of fury. The loneliness gripped him once again as it done all these years, every night. He needed to release his pent-up emotions and desperation. Never once, did Dean ever manage to subdue the onslaught of emotions that tore at him. Many, many nights, Dean worn out from, each day's ordeal of Mafia business found s*x as a form of escape from his dark world. Leila wasn't the light he needed but she gave him pleasure which in turn, disabled the agony in his heart for a short time. His parents watched in silence and helplessness as he sat alone in the dark and thought about her. Yearning for her. When he saw her getting away in that pink Volkswagen, his beast came alive. With Elena gone, the pain was back.

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