Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry it took so long guys.

Chapter 7:


My jaw dropped. I was stunned. "Uhh..." was all I could say. Every fiber of my being was screaming yes but I couldn't get it to come out of my mouth. "Shoot..... Abbey, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking! I mean I thought that you might feel the same way about me that I feel about you but I mean why would you. I'm just me but you are you so why would you like me?" Marcel rambled. His eyes met mine and I realized that he was on the verge of tears. He could burst at any moment and just cry for who knows how long. I tackled him in a hug and kissed him. He was surprised but responded quickly and before I knew it our kiss had become quite passionate. I forced myself to pull away from him. "I thought you'd never ask." I said breathlessly while staring at his plump, pink lips. I realized I was biting my lip and my cheeks became a very deep crimson. He smiled the biggest, happiest smile I've ever seen. "So can I take that as a yes?" he questioned hopefully. "Yes." I closed the space between us again for another kiss. I closed my eyes and we heard a deep voice with a think British accent. "Hey Marcel? Could you uh- HOLY CRAP! MUM, SINCE WHEN DOES MARCY HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!?" We could here footsteps running towards Marcel's room. "WHAT!?" His mum yelled when she stopped at the doorway to his room. I jumped off of Marcel and turned to see Harry Styles standing beside Marcel's mum in the doorway. "WHY IS HARRY STYLES IN YOUR ROOM!? Wait...." I turned to face Marcel again. I removed his glasses and messed up his hair and gasped. "Oh my'''re..." I pointed between Harry and Marcel. "Harry Styles twin. Identical to be exact." My jaw dropped for the second time today. I looked up towards the ceiling and muttered a 'thank you' to the heavens. This a bad time to be a fangirl.


"She's cute." Harry said while walking away from my room. My mum hugged Abbey so tight that I thought she would break her. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Mum whispered. She pulled away and held Abbey at arms length by her shoulders. "You are my Marcy's first girlfriend. I know that you have probably had other boyfriends because you are quite beautiful so please just treat my baby good." Abbey looked into my mum's eyes. "Marcel is actually my first boyfriend. He was my first kiss, too. Don't worry, I plan on taking very good care of Marcel. I will do my best to treat him wonderfully." She responded. My mum pulled her into another hug. I'm surprised that mum hasn't embarrassed me yet. I am pretty impressed. They broke apart from their hug and mum spoke. "You wouldn't believe Marcel when he came home after that kiss. He wouldn't shut up about you and how amazing you were." Nevermind, she has successfully embarrassed the heck outta me. "MUM!" I yelled, the embarrassment clear in the voice. Abbey came closer to me and grabbed my hand. "Calm down, Marcel. You are so uptight." she cooed, earning a laugh from my mum. My mum left the room so Abbey and I could be alone again. "So... Marcy?" She raised an eyebrow at me. "Please, can we not talk about that..... It's so embarrassing." She smiled and I pulled her into a hug. She abruptly pulled away. "HOLY...WAIT A MINUTE!!" "What?" I said while trying to search her face for an idea of what was wrong. A large smile tugged at her lips. "Does that mean that you were in the Best Song Ever video!?" Abbey's eyes brightened as she spoke with a voice full of excitement. "You saw that?" I questioned with a pained expression covering my face. "Oh Marc..... YOU WERE CUTE AS A BUTTON!!" She burst into a fit of laughter. She eventually calmed herself down. "Sorry, I had to." "That was one of the most embarrassing things I have ever done in my whole life." I groaned.  "Well, in all seriousness, I found you absolutely adorable." She said with a smile.

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