Chapter 13

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            This chapter is dedicated to another on of my best friends, Alexis.  Alexis, I know you don't squeal.                        

                                 Chapter 13:


            I fell back asleep soon after Marcel did and I woke up before he did. He lay beside me with his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. Marcel is the first person who’s ever made me feel truly loved. With everything that has happened from having an abusive father my whole life to being rejected everywhere I go, it’s the best feeling in the world. Marcel is the best thing ever could’ve happened to me. I don’t know where I’d be without him and, in reality; we’ve known each other for only a few months. Love is an amazing thing… you can go from not even knowing someone exists to not being able to live without them. Marc started to stir beside me. I laid my head on his chest and looked up at him. His beautiful, bright green eyes fluttered open and he smiled. “Hello, Beautiful.” He rasped, his voice still filled with sleep. I smiled, “Hi, Babe.” I pecked his lips but the way I was laying when I did it put pressure on my broken ribs and the pain was unbearable. I felt tears slip down my cheeks as the pain overwhelmed me. “Abbey! What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? What hurts? Should I get a nurse?” He rushed towards the door and grabbed the first nurse he saw. A short lady with a kind smile came in the room and towards me, “Do you need some more pain medicine, Honey?” “Yes, please.” I strained. She took a bag filled with liquid and hooked it up to my I.V. “In a minute or so the pain should start to go away.” She turned on her heel and exited the room. Marcel came to the side of the bed and knelt beside me so we were eye to eye. “How are you feeling?” He tucked some hair behind my ear. “It’s starting to feel better.” “We’ll get you outta here soon and you’ll be better, I promise.” He whispered.

                              *5 months later*


            Abbey finally gets out of the hospital today! We decided that she’ll be living in a spare room at my house so we’re setting up for a Welcome Home party. The doctor wouldn’t let her leave until everything was healed. Everything looks perfect for the party… Sadly, Harry won’t be here because he had to start recording for the new One Direction album. “Toni! Alexis! I’m leaving to get Abbey if you still wanna come!” I shouted through the house. They both came out and got in the car. Before I knew it, we were at the hospital. I parked the car and basically ran into the hospital and to my girlfriend’s room. She was sitting on the hospital bed when I walked in and she was talking to the doctor. The doctor turned to me and said, “Well, you can finally take her home with you Marcel.” I smiled, “Yeah, thank you.” The doctor left and I hugged Abbey. “Come on, let’s go home, Babe.” I spoke. She grabbed my hand and we walked out to the car. Toni and Alexis decided to wait in the car but as soon as Abbey and I walked out of the hospital doors, they tackled her in a group hug. After a few minutes of over dramatic fake crying and awkward glances from other people entering and exiting the hospital, we got in the car and left. We got to my house and we all walked into the house. My mum had stayed and finished decorating for the party and it looked perfect. Tears brimmed Abbey’s eyes as she read a huge banner that Alexis and Toni made that read “WELCOME HOME, ABBEY!” “You guys did all this for me?” She turned to her friends and I. “Of course, Love, we’d do anything for you.” She kissed me after I spoke. “Okay! Cake time!” My mum entered the room. We had a great night just talking, hanging out and eating cake. After a while, Alexis and Toni left but it made me so happy that Abbey was staying here with me. We decided to hang out in my room a bit longer before going to bed.

        A/N: Sorry this chapter is kinda short and boring, but big things to come in the next couple chapters!

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