Chapter 12

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A/N: What would you guys think about me writing another story after this one's finished? Please comment to let me know. I'm dedicating this chapter to one of my best friends, Toni, to thank her for helping me update the beginning chapters of this fanfiction and for talking me into putting it on Wattpad.  
                             Chapter 12:


            After hanging out for a while, Marc took me home. He walked me to the door and kissed me good night. I walked through the door and Toni and Alexis were waiting for me on the other side. “HOW’D IT GO?” “WHAT’D YOU GUYS DO?” “WHERE’D YOU GO?” They were freaking out about ‘details’ and ‘wanting to know everything’. “Guys, I promise to tell you everything just let me put different clothes on!” I walked to my room and changed into sweats and a t-shirt. I was about to walk back out to my friends when my cell phone starting ringing. I walked over and picked it up “Hello?” I heard somebody sobbing on the other end. “Abbey?” It was my mum. “Mum, why are you crying? I SWEAR IF THAT DOUCHEBAG LAID A FINGER ON YOU-” She cut me off, “Your father is leaving me and he wants to go to court and take your sister from me. He’s trying to say that I’m an unfit mother and because you haven’t had your 18th birthday yet he’ll take you too. You’ll have to change schools and he won’t let you see Marcel.” I spoke through my teeth. “What?” I am beyond pissed at this point. “He wants to do it after Christmas. He also wants to put a restraining order against Marcel so you can’t see him at all.” She continued. A wave of emotion came over me and I felt tears threatening to fall. “How am I supposed to tell Marcel I might never be allowed to see him again? I know this will be the end for him. His family and I are all he has… he’s always been bullied for being a ‘nerd’ and he depends on me to be there for him just as I depend on him for me… Christmas is next month.” I burst into tears. My mum spoke up. “Abbey, you need to stop worrying about that boy and think about yourself… What’ll happen to you.” Rage filled my body. “What did you just say? Did you just tell me to just not worry about Marcel? To worry about MYSELF!?” “You need to think about your future.” She responded. “Heck no.” I spoke darkly and hung up. I stormed out of my room, grabbed my keys, walked right past my friends and to my car. I was going to the gym… I needed to fight. Through my anger and hatred, I never saw the red traffic light or the black SUV coming straight for my car… until it was too late. I heard the screeching of brakes and then everything went black.


             I got home from dropping Abbey off and Harry was still in front of the TV. I walked in and sat beside him on the couch. He was watching the news. At first, the newscasters were talking about stupid stuff like the weather tomorrow and the newborn baby panda at the local zoo, but then something caught my eye…. There had been a car wreck a couple miles from Abbey’s house… good thing she was already home because whoever was in that car probably didn’t walk away from it with just bumps and bruises. the news reporter’s words finally found my ears, “A local teenager by the name of Abagail Morrison was the driver of this small car and is currently at Seattle Grace Hospital with major injuries.” I was frozen, “No…” Harry and I looked at each other with terrified looks. Then the phone rang. Harry answered, “Hello... Yeah he’s right here.” He handed me the phone. “H-hello?” A woman on the other end spoke, “Hello, this is a nurse from Seattle Grace Hospital calling on behalf of Abagail Morrison. She’s been in a terrible; possibly life threatening car accident and you are the first person we found to call in her cell phone.” I dropped the phone. “Frick…” I couldn’t breathe…. I couldn’t see…. I swear my heart stopped beating. Harry pulled me off the couch and to his car. The next thing I knew, we were at the hospital. An older looking nurse was behind the service desk. “Hello sir, can I help you?” I couldn’t speak so Harry spoke for me, “We’re here for Abagail Morrison… you called about her.” The nurse turned towards her computer and began typing, “Ah yes…She’s on the 4th floor in room 216.” My voice came out raspy and hoarse, “Thanks.” I ran to the elevator and jumped on , not even waiting for Harry. I got up to the 4th floor and ran down the hallway until I found room 216. I stopped outside the closed door. I couldn’t make myself open it… I pray that when I opened the door, it wouldn’t be her in there and this would all be some sick practical joke… but I knew that wouldn’t happen. I twisted the door handle and walked in. I saw my beautiful girlfriend laying motionless on the hospital bed with multiple machines hooked up to her. The tears cascaded down my face and I collapsed beside her bed. Harry and a doctor both walked into the room. Harry stopped at the door frame as he took in his surroundings before he knelt down beside me and hugged me in a comforting manner. The doctor spoke, “She has three broken ribs, a broken leg, a sprained wrist, and one of her lungs were punctured so we had to do surgery on it. She could wake up at any time but I highly doubt it will be tonight so go home, get some sleep and you can come back tomorrow morning.” I pulled away from Harry and turned towards the man. “Did you just tell me to leave the girl that I love to every end of the earth to ‘get some sleep’!?” I was infuriated and spoke harshly. “Well sir, it’s not like you can do anything for her at this point so you have no use for being here.” I balled up my fists and exploded. “YOU CAN GO SCREW YOURSELF I AM NOT LEAVING HER UNTIL SHE CAN LEAVE WITH ME SO UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO DO THAT WILL HELP HER GET THE HECK OUTTA THIS ROOM!” The doctor’s face paled and he looked extremely frightened. He turned on his heel and quickly exited the room. As soon as the door was closed, I sat down in a near by chair and burst into tears again. Harry stood there with me until about two in the morning, and then he had to leave. I finally cried myself to sleep at about 4. Something underneath my head was trying to move a bit and woke me up. I opened my eyes and my head was lying on Abbey’s stomach and my hand was clutching hers. I heard a faint giggle. My head shot up and I saw Abbey looking back at me. I hugged her tight and my eyes filled with tears. “Marcel… what happened?” I pulled away and looked into her bright, blue-green eyes. “You were in a car accident…. You could’ve died.” Tears began slipping down my face. She wiped them away with her thumb. “I wouldn’t leave you like that, Babe.” She whispered. “It would’ve killed me, too.” I whispered back as a few more tears escaped. “Don’t worry about what could’ve happened, because it didn’t. I’m okay.” She gave me a reassuring hug. She pulled away and scooted over. “Lay with me, please?” I responded, “Of course.” I lay down beside her in the small hospital bed and I accidentally fell back asleep.

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