Chapter 20

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This is one of my favorite chapters because of the quote.... I hope you all enjoy it, too!

                            Chapter 20:


            I looked at myself in the mirror and wiped the tears from my face. Then, I realized that if I put my contacts in, I’d look exactly like my brother… I know just how I’m gonna get Abbey back. I took my glasses off, put my contacts in, and practiced talking in a voice a bit deeper than mine. I smirked like Harry would and got out of the car. “Aye! Abbey!” She turned around. “Harry?” She ran up and hugged me. The little girl with her stumbled over. “Mummy? Who’s that?” Abbey let me go and picked the girl up.

“Baby, this is Harry.” She turned to me.

“Harry, this is my daughter, Quinn.”

Quinn Styles. That’s the name of my child. Dang, I’m a dad… Not a good one, but a dad nonetheless. I, honestly, couldn’t be happier about that. Quinn Styles, my baby girl… Unless Abbey didn’t give her my last name… Shoot, I hope she did. Quinn jumped from Abbey to me and I caught her with ease. She looked at me with large, bright green eyes. She had thick, curly, chocolate brown hair and dimples. This was definitely my child.

“Hi, Harry,” She spoke in her small, soft voice,

“I’m Quinn Styles and I’m almost two years old.”

She held up two of her tiny digits. I chuckled. “Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Quinn. I’m M-Harry Styles and I’m twenty years old.” Her eyes widened and a very excited expression took over her face.


My jaw dropped and I looked at Abbey who was just as shocked as I was. Quinn continued,

“You have to be! Mummy said that daddy has my last name and looks a lot like me.” Abbey looked at Quinn. “I’m sorry, Sweetheart, but this isn’t your daddy.”

Quinn looked at me for a second and then buried her face in the crook of my neck. I could hear faint sobs coming from her. I rubbed her back to try and soothe her but it wasn’t happening. I wanted so badly to correct Abbey and say that I was Quinn’s father, but I knew if I wanted my plan to work that I couldn’t just yet.  She picked her head up and looked at Abbey.

“All the kids at daycare have daddies. Why don’t I?” Her voice was sad and weak.

Abbey looked like she could burst into tears at any moment, too. That’s when I really looked at her for the first time since I walked up. She looked pale and broken. She seemed to have not eaten or slept in months. She looked absolutely miserable but there was sooo much love in her sad, pale blue eyes for this little girl. I am the reason for this little girl’s tears and Abbey’s sadness… All over one moment of stupidity. I was so worried about my precious Harvard scholarship that I never even got because they don’t deal with students who have or have had “mental issues”. I am an idiot. I lost everything over nothing and am pretending to be my brother because I don’t have the balls to face Abbey as myself. I hadn’t realized that I was crying, too, until Abbey wiped the moisture off my cheeks. Quinn had slid away from me and was playing on the playground once again like the happiest girl in the world.

“Harry, what’s wrong?” Abbey asked with a worried expression. “Don’t worry. She does that to every guy she meets.”

I looked at Abbey… She looked so broken and all I want to do is pick up the pieces and put her back together. I grabbed her face and forced my lips onto hers. She pushed me away and looked at me for a minute before anger became evident in her face.

“MARCEL!?” She growled.

Wow, she is livid. “What the absolute heck!? You need to get your sorry arse away from my baby RIGHT NOW!” She pulled pepper spray from her pocket and aimed it at me.

“Abbey! Wait! Look, I love you and Quinn so much and I want to be Quinn’s daddy. I was so stupid. Please, I’m begging you.” I could feel the tears cascading down my face. “I’ve missed you sooo much. I love you.” I whispered.

She looked at me for a minute and the anger started to fade.

“Marcel, you need to leave right now.”

I was beginning to get angry and frustrated. I spoke through clenched teeth.

“Fine,” I bit, “But you can be the one to tell Quinn why her daddy isn’t here. At least tell her that I love her.” I spun around on my heel and marched towards my car. I sat there a minute before beating the crap out of my steering wheel.


            As soon as he left, I burst into tears. I watched him beat the crap out of his steering wheel for a good five minutes before breaking down and crying.  I wanted to run down to his car, tear open the door, and kiss him breathless. I want to tell him how much I’ve missed him and that I love him soooo much. I have never stopped loving him. I tried going on dates but I couldn’t make myself do it. I still love him….. Very much, but I have to do what’s best for my daughter, right?

            Quinn and I went home after that and I called Toni to tell her what happened. She sighed loudly before giving me the best advice she could,

“Abbey, he’s not perfect. You aren’t either and the two of you will never be perfect, but if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn’t going to quote poetry, he’s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don’t hurt him, don’t change him, and don’t expect more than he can give. Don’t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he’s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had, because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy that is perfect for you.”

I rolled my eyes through the tears that were now cascading down my face from her beautiful speech. “Way to quote Bob Marley.” She sighed again, “WELL, HE’S RIGHT! NOW YOU GET YOUR SORRY, DEPRESSED ARSE OFF THAT COUCH AND RUN TO HIM!” She’s right and I know it but I can’t. He broke me once and I’ve never recovered… who says he won’t do it again?

“You’ve always given the best advice, Boo.” I sighed.

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