chapter one - the Muzar family

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Mr. Abe Muzar knew that with his line of work he had a lot of enemies. With five daughters, anyone of them could be in danger at any minute. So he had his right hand man, Pivel, along with himself, train the girls in defense, offence, and weaponry. They all only know different parts of the business, except Rose, his favorite and oldest daughter whom he was primping to take over the whole business.

His wife Jainie taught all the girls how to be a lady. "So they could get husbands" as Jainie would say. She taught them all to read, wright, cook, paint, sow, how to talk and walk properly, dance, sing and each how to play an instrument. Just as her mother taught her. Jainie did not care for the business and felt the girls did not need any part in it and that it was the man's job to provide for the family. She hated that Abe trained the girls what he had. But she understood its importance for them to protect themselves. Rose was her least favorite among their daughters. Lissa, their second daughter was her favorite. She gave Lissa the best of everything. She hoped Lissa would catch the eye of a rich man and never have to worry about Muzar Corp.

Rose was beautiful. She was 5'3 with long dark brown hair that looked black at times. She had her dad's tan skin tone and dark chocolate brown eyes. She also had her dad's logic. She was a smartass with a dangerous reputation and stubborn. She was the type to punch first and ask questions later. She was also the best fighter among her sister's and very protective over them. She always put her sister's wants and needs before her own. She also played the guitar and wrights her own songs. At 22 she knew she would one day take over Muzar Corp. And that her sister's would each have a hand in the company, over the parts they knew, if they wanted to and if their future husbands aloud it. Rose felt she would never get married and have to deal with any man but her father telling her what she can and can't do. None of her sister's knew the dangerous parts of the business; the secrets, lies, whore houses, the beatings her father and uncle will hand out to those that's wronged their family or business. They did not traffic in drugs or humans. The whore houses was as far as it went. And all the women that worked in them made the decision to be there as they were trafficked by someone else and it was all they knew. They enjoyed pleasing men. Some women they find with in the trafficked ring wanted out and they would help them with everything they can, be it money or help opening a little store that Muzar Corp. would oversees. Rose knew she was her dad's favorite and her mother's least favorite, and she was fine with that, as her and her mother always clashed. Of all her sister's; Lissa, Sydney, Mia and Jill, Rose was the closest to Lissa. They could always be found together.

At 21, Lissa looks like an angel. She is 5'6 with her mother's blond hair and jade green eyes and porcolin skin. She took to being a lady better then fighting even thought she was the second best fighter among her sister's. She played the harp. She was also a hopeless romantic and dreams of falling in love and getting married. She was fine with letting her future husband take care of her and leaving the decision up to him if she would have her hand in Muzar Corp. Even though she loved the part of the business that she knew of, politics, it was unheard of for a lady to be in politics. Rose was her best friend, and hoped for both of them to find love. She knew Rose never saw herself getting married.

20 year old Sydney was the third daughter. She was short like Rose at 5'4 but had her mother's blond hair and her father's brown eyes and tan skin. She played the violin. She was smart and loved to read. She knew the money aspect of Muzar Corp. She loved buildings and knew what ones would be best for the business. She took to being a lady as well as Lissa has. But unlike Lissa she wanted to keep her part in the business once she got married. She was the worst fighter among her sister's, but she could still protect herself if the need arises.

19 year old Mia was the forth daughter. She lookes like a porcolin doll with her mother's blonde hair and father's brown eyes. She is 5'2 and a big flirt. She is the third best fighter among her sister's. She knows the fashion aspect of the business. She played the flute. She also wants to marry a rich man but still keep her part in the business.

18 year old Jill was the fifth daughter and baby of the family. She has her father's brown hair and her mother's green eyes and porcolin skin. She is also the tallest at 5'7. She is right under Mia with her fighting skills standing in forthth. But she also took after Lissa with being a lady. She to wants to keep her part in the business after she gets married. Entertainment, as she loves to sing and play her instrument, the piano.

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