chapter two - the ball

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Ever few months the town would hold a ball for young men and women to meet. Most marriages resulted from these balls. Some marriages are arraigned before the couple could meet and some would meet before the wedding to get to know each other and to see if it might work. It was tradition for the virgin women to dress in white at these balls. So the men interested in them would know they are pure.

Jainie had her hand in a few arraignments to set her daughter's up. Most she would look into their background to see if they would be a good fit for any of her girls, except for Rose, anyone interested in Rose would be sent right through to meet her as she didn't care and just wanted Rose married and gone from the house. No one was ever good enough for Lissa though and never got past the stage to even meet with her. Rose on the other hand  met with many men whom her mother thought would be right for her but none ever past Rose's own tests, and was denied and sent packing.

It was rumoured that there would be special guests from a neaboring town whom are rich and unattached and whom could not find a wife in their own town.

The young women of the town upon hearing this went into a frenzy to make themself look their best. Rose was the only one who did not as she didn't care to marry. She did help her sister's in anyway she could to prepare them for the ball. She helped with their hair and make up, helping with their white dresses and ties. Once she helped her sister's, Rose got herself ready. She put on light natural make-up. And left her hair down but pinned back on the right side of her face. Then she got  into her own white dress. It took her all day helping her sister's but only took about 30 minutes for herself. Once they were all ready they left for the ball.

Once they got to the ball some people were dancing to the band already. Some were eating and drinking. Most were talking about the special guests and if or when they would arrive. About an hour into the ball the guests did show up. Four of them men and one woman. They walked up to the host of the ball to be introduced.

The host, Mr. Arthur Schoenberg, pulled them to a small stage away from the music to introduce them to anyone whom came forword  to meet with them. Jainie pulled her family up first. Mr. Muzar recognised a few of them. But two caught his eye. One he has done business with in the past and the other from one of his enemies. But he would introduced his girls to them.

"Ah, Mr. Muzar, How are you this evening?" Mr Schoenberg  asked.

"I am well Mr. Schoenberg . How are you and Mrs. Schoenberg ?" Abe replied.

"Alberta and myself are well, she is around here somewhere, Abe. You know how women are." Said Art with a laugh.

Abe laughed back replying, "Yes, I know how they are, always on the go to find the next piece of gossip or newest fashion."

"Please let me introduce my special guest's to you and your lovely  family Abe?" Art asked

Abe replied "There is no need for that Art, I know a few of them." Art looked shocked though he shouldn't have. He knew who Abe was and that he knew many people. Propobly more then he did himself.

Abe looked to the one he had done business with and asked " It's nice to see you again Mr. Belikov, How have you been?"

Mr. Belokov nodded and relpyed, " I am well Mr. Muzar. Please call me Dimirti."

Abe nodded as well and asked, " Will  you introduce us to your friends here, Dimitri?"

Dimitri nodded and started on the introductions.  "Mr. Muzar, these are Mr. Eddie Castile, Mr. Mason Ashford, Mr. Christian Ozera, and his sister, Miss Natasha Ozera."

Mr. Castile was about 6'0 with brown hair and brown eye. Mr. Ashford was about 6'2 had red hair and brown eyes. Mr Ozera was about 6'4 with black hair and ice blue eyes. His sister Miss. Ozera was about 5'6 with black hair and blue eyes like her brother. And Mr. Belikov was really tall around 6'7 with light brown hair and eyes.

Abe shook the men's hands and kissed  Miss. Natasha Ozera's hand. Then he turned to introduce his family.

"This is my wife Jainie, my youngest to oldest Jill, Mia, Sydney, Lissa and Rose." All the men kissed the women's hands in turn as they were being introduced. Miss. Natasha Ozera curstying to each of them and them in return. Abe gave Rose a tight eyed look when Miss. Ozera curtsyed to her, letting Rose know that he knew her as well and not in a good way.

Abe with his critical eye also noticed when one man held one of his daughter's hand a little longer and took note of it. Mr Castile held Jill's hand a few seconds to long. Mr. Ozera held Lissa's hand a few seconds longer and both Mr. Ashford and Mr. Belikov held Rose's hand to long with Mr. Belikov holding on the longest. He held so long that Abe was not the only one whom noticed. Miss. Ozera gave him an evil look as the rest of the men looked in shock. No one has ever caught his eye before and all his friends knew it.

Mr. Ozera was the first to get over his shock. Clearing his throat to get rid of the tension between them. He turned to Mr. Muzar, "Mr. Muzar, you have a lovely family. Would it be alright if I asked one of them to dance?"

"Please do." Abe said knowing whom would be asked.

Mr. Ozera nodded to Abe then turned to Lissa, " May I have this dance Miss. Muzar?"

Lissa blushed and replied, "Please call me Lissa and yes, you may, Mr.Ozera."

Mr. Ozera nodded and held his hand out for her to take so he can lead her away from the tension saying, "Please call me Christian."

With that they went to dance. Abe turned back to the rest, "If anyone else would like to dance with one of my daughter's, please." He said waving his hand to the rest of his daughter's. Giving them promision to ask them.

Mr. Castile turned to Jill asking her then leading her to the dance floor much in the way as Mr. Ozera had with Lissa.

Before Mr. Ashford or Mr. Belikov could ask one of them. Rose spoke up looking at Mr. Belikov and asked, "Do you dance, Mr. Belikov?" Abe was shocked as he knew Rose never intended of marrying, but quickly smiled to hide his shock. Then thought to himself, 'If Rose does marry, Mr. Belikov would be ideal for her. He would look after her has he did his family. If only they would fall in love. I will not give my consent unless the love is true.'

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