chapter four - confession

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Rose looked at him in shock as well. Then looked around, pulled him off the dance floor looking at her father as she did. Abe nodded in return and watched them walk onto a private balcony.

Rose looked at Dimitri. "Why did you tell me all of that? You hardly know me?"

"I don't know, but it felt good to get it off my chest. And I don't know,.... I want you to know everything about me."

"Okay, I like that. But please know I won't force you to tell me anything, but you can tell me anything you want to and I will keep it to myself. Unless it will effect Muzar Corp."

Dimitri nodded, leaning on the railing of the balcony. Desiding if he wanted to tell her more.
"Mr Ozera is actually my brother. He is 21. Miss. Ozera is his mother. She was 15 when she had the affair with my father and got pregnant. Her own parents knew of the affair and decided to raise her son as their own. Hoping to marry her off one day with out the added baggage of a child out of wedlock. I knew your father, Mr. Muzar before today as I asked him for help with my father. I went to him because he would beat and rape my mother. That's how myself as well as my sisters were conceived. I found out about the affair and love child after talking with your father."

"Wow, Dimitri, that's a lot to take in." Rose said shaking her head. Then something he said stick out and she started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Dimitri asked starting to get upset.

"I'm sorry Comrade, you do realize that Miss. Ozera is 7 years older then you and I'm 7 years younger?"

"Oh," he laughed. "I never even caught that." Then looking at her seriously he asked, "Comrade?"

"Yes, because you are from Russia" Rose said blushing. Seeing the blush he knew it was something else but didn't push it.

"Do you have a problem with me being 7 years your senior?" He then asked.

Shaking her head, "No, I'm not, we are both over the legal age to marry, why would I have a problem with that. Do you have a problem with it?"

Dimitri smiled, "No I don't."

"So Roza, you have more information about me, why don't you tell me about yourself?"

"Roza?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

Dimitri mentally smacked himself in the forhead. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid.' " It's um, its your name in Russia," He said.

Rose gave a little laugh, it seems she's not the only one slipping up here. Then told him about herself. About taking over Muzar Corp. one day and her and her sister's learning how to fight to protect themselves if the need arises. How she never intended on marrying unless she was in love and the man did not force her to leave the business behind. She told him about her sister's and that her mother was always forcing interested men on her with out the extensive background information she would run on any interested men for her sister's and how none made it past to meet Lissa except for at the balls.

Dimitri didn't know how to feel. He was happy she could defend herself, but sad that she would even need to. He was shocked at the "to be a lady" training her mother put her and her sister's through. He was shocked that she would be taking over Muzar Corp. But was something he could live with as his own business was along the same lines minus all the bad stuff. He knew his father started a drug and human trafficking ring. But his father's friend took over that part of the business when his father passed. He was also saddened my her own mother's lack of interest in her oldest daughter with forcing interested men on her.

They spent the rest of the evening on that balcony just talking. He told her about his family, he has three sister's the older two being married. His oldest sister Karolina had two chindren Paul and Zoya. His sister Sonja was pregnant with her first child. And his younger sister, Viktoria, was still at home. He told her about his business.

At the end of the night Abe walked out onto the balcony to retrieve his daughter so they could go home.

"Kiz, it time to leave." He said to Rose. Then turned to Dimitri "It was good to see you again son, please send your family my regards." Before Abe could turn away with Rose on his arm. Dimitri replied," I will Mr. Muzar. May it be alright for me to come and visit with Rose tomorrow?"

Abe smiled looking at Rose whom nodded.
"Sure Mr.Belikov if you want to meet with Rose tomorrow she takes her morning run at 6am or her evening walk at 7pm. It's your choice on when you want to meet with her."

With that said Abe and Rose left the balcony to meet with the rest of the family. "Thank you daddy, for keeping us alone on the balcony." Rose said.

Abe smiled at her. "I hope you got the information you desired. But that Miss. Ozera  is persistent."

Rose laughted "Yes I did, and from what I know, I know why she is persistent."

Pulling Abe to a stop and making sure no one could hear, she then told her dad about the affair and love child. And Dimitri putting the union off with his mother because he didn't have the heart to tell her. She also told him that Dimitri business is no longer trafficking drugs or humans and that his father's friend has taken it over.

Once she told him they met up with the rest of the family and left to go home. Thinking to herself 'Will he show up during my run or my walk or not at all?'

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