chapter five - girl talk and meeting

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Upon arriving home. Lissa pulled Rose into her room. Rose helped her out of her dress and get ready for bed.  "What happened to you the rest of the night Rose? I seen you danceing with dad then with Mr. Belikov. But I could not find you the rest of the night."

"I was on the balcony with Mr. Belikov talking the rest of the night."

"What?! How can you be alone with a man that long with out being supervised?" Lissa asked in shock.

"Daddy and uncle were supervising me."Rose responded with a yawn.

"Rose you were out there with him for hours. Miss. Ozera was freaking out that she could not find 'her Dimka'."

Rose shook her head. "He is not her anything. And I know, we got caught up in our conversation."

"What did you talk about?"

"I told him about myself and our family and he told me about him and his."

"Rose, can I get more details, please!"

"First tell me what you think of Mr. Ozera." Rose said

"Fine, I really like him, Rose. I have never met someone so handsome and kind, oh and he fights as well. And I can get lost in his eyes. I think it was love at first sight. His sister is a little persist."

When Lissa said his sister Rose could not help her self and fake coughed "his mother".

Lissa heard what Rose said, just looked at her a few minutes to make sure she heard her right. Then asked "What did you say? Did I really hear that? His sister is really his mother? How do you know this?"

Rose looked at her like she was crazy. "Lissa what are you talking about?"

Lissa shook her head,"Nevermind."

"Are you going to see Mr. Belikov again?"

"I don't know are you going to see Mr.Ozera again?"

Lissa smiled, "He asked father if he could come over tomorrow to see me."

"What did Daddy say when he asked?"

"He told him to be here at 6am when we do our morning run or at 7pm when I am reading after dinner."

"Oh, when do you think he will show up?"

"I don't know."

"Okay, when do you hope he will show up?"

"I hope he shows up in the morning then maybe we can spend the day together to get to know each other."

Rose felt the same way about Dimitri . But she didn't tell Lissa that.

"So what else happened the rest of the night?" Rose asked her to keep Lissa talking.

"Well, Jill danced with Mr. Castile most of the night. Sydney danced a few times. As well as Mia. And Mr.Ashford was looking for you as well.

Rose laughted, "Mr.Ashford seems nice Liss, but he couldn't even man up to ask me to dance. I hope Mia was alright with me pushing her on him."

"Actually, I think she liked him. She kept looking at him when she wasn't dancing with him."

"Are you sure you are talking about our Mia? She flirts with everyone."

"Yes I'm sure" Lissa laughed.

"Okay Liss, it late and I'm ready for bed. I will see you at 6am for our run."

"Alright Rose, good night see you in the morning."

Rose left Lissa room letting out a sigh of relief that she was able to keep the conversation off of herself. She felt she couldn't tell Lissa what her and Dimitri talked about. Yes she told her dad some things, but those were only because they could affect the business. But everything else he told her seem to intimate to tell anyone. Even though their conversation was only about each other, she wanted to keep her promise to him that anything he told her she would keep to herself.

That night Rose fell asleep thinking about a man for the first time in her life. In the morning she got up put on her running gear and went to meet Lissa for the 6am run.

When Rose got outside to meet Lissa. She was shocked that both Mr. Ozera and Mr. Belikov were standing there waiting for them. 

"Good morning Mr.Ozera, Comrade." Rose said

"Good morning, Miss. Muzar, Roza."

"Good morning, Christian, Mr.Belikov."

"Good morning Lissa, Miss.Muzar. Please call me Christian, Miss. Muzar."

"Okay, Christian, are you here to run with us or just stand here."

"Let's start our run." Dimitri  said before Christian could argue back.

With that said they all took off on their run. Rose was always faster then Lissa but she usually kept it at a pace that Lissa could handle. But today with the men there Rose wanted to impress Dimitri , and ran as fast as she could. It wasn't long before Rose and Dimitri left Lissa and Christian behind them. Rose loved the challenge running with Dimitri gave her. By the time they made it back to the Muzar house Rose had shaved 5 minutes off her best time. Starting on their cool down stretches as they waited for Lissa and Christian. Rose started a conversation with Dimitri.

"So Lissa asked what we talked about last night."

"And what did you tell her Roza?"

"Just that we told each other about ourselves and our families. I did tell my dad about Miss.Ozera and whom you said took over the trafficking ring."

Nodding Dimitri said,"I figured you would tell him those things. And I'm alright with that. But other then those things there was nothing Lissa could not be told about."

"Yes, I know but I told you yesterday that what ever you told me about yourself I would keep to myself unless it might affect our business. Lissa only knows the political side of the business, nothing more. So she didn't need to know about the things I told my father about. Other then that, I don't know everything else felt, um, to intimate, private for me to share."

"Oh Roza, I understand what you mean. I too did the same thing with Mr. Ozera, Mr. Castile and Mr. Ashford. But I suspect that you may of had a harder time keeping the topic from us as I did, those men would not stop talking about your sister's. And hoping they could see them again. The only one I had trouble with was Mr. Ashford."

"Men gossip as much as women do."Rose said with a laugh. "Lissa told me that Mr.Ashford kept looking for me and Miss. Ozera kept looking for you saying something about her Dimka."

Dimitri was about to reply when Lisa and Christian finally showed back up. When Lissa interrupted their conversation. "Thanks for waiting on us Rose."

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