chapter seven - sparring and Russia

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Once Rose left her father's office. She told Demitri about the sparring time so they could get ready. When they were both ready and everything was set up Abe came in to supervise, "You may proceed when you are ready." He told them once he was seated.

Rose looked at Demitri, "Don't hold back because I am female."

He nodded. They started circling both looking for the best attack and wanting to see whom made the first move. Rose seeing an opening took advantage of it and faked to strike out with her right fist to his shoulder, but changed at the last second and hit him in the stomach with kick of her right foot. "Point" she said backing up.

Dimitri nodded, they started circling again then Dimitri advanced on her  hitting her in the shoulder, "Point."

It continued this way until they were both tied 4- 4. When Rose swept his legs from under him causing him to fall to the mat. Rose did not hesitate and jumped on him pinning him to the mat.

Starring into each other's eyes. Dimitri wanted to kiss her. Rose seeing this leaned forward and kissed his cheek. Then stood up and helped Dimitri off the floor.

"You just passed my second test. And I accept you secret union proposal. I will give you 3 months to return home to break off the union with Miss. Ozera." Rose said then walked away, leaving Dimitri with Abe.

Dimitri turned to Abe. "Mr. Muzar, if I am to carry out her request I must leave right away as it will take nearly that long to reach my family."

Abe nodded, "Very well, I hope to see you in time."

"Mr. Muzar may I keep in contact with Rose through letters as I am away?"

"You may, but please address them to myself so no one finds out about this union." Abe replied.

Dimitri nodded. "Have a good day, Mr.Muzar." He said then left to find Christian.

Once Dimitri returned to Christian he told him he had to leave right away to return home. To give his regards to the rest of their party and that he would keep in touch with them.

Dimitri set off for home, he wrote a letter everyday to his Roza, telling her how much he missed her and what he went through on the boat to Russia. What he dreamed about. What he did with himself. Everything. He wrote everyday not knowing if she will ever receive his letters.

It took him 2 and a half months to return home.  When he got there his mother Olena was in the kitchen.

"Hello ma'ma."

"Oh Dimka, I have missed you!" Olena said hugging her son.

They sat down to catch up on events since Dimitri has been away. The business was doing well. His sister Sonja had her baby, a girl that she named Dimirtiana after him. Dimitri so happy upon hearing this that his eyes welled up with tears. 

Once Olena told him all she needed too she asked, "How was America? Has Mr. Ozera, Mr. Ashford and Mr.Castile found wife's?"

Dimitri answered, "America was wonderful. When I left they all found someone but a union was not set, as that was over two months ago I'm sure they all have it sorted now."

"Tell me about these young ladies that have captured their eyes."

So Dimitri told his mother all about the Muzar family. He told her about the ball they attended where they first meet the young ladies and everything Rose had told him and what he observed himself and which one of the sister's his friends fell in love with.

Olena was happy for her son's friends but noticed that he would get a dreamy look in his eye when he talked about the ball. At first she thought it was because Miss.Ozera attended with them but listening more she realised the oldest Muzar girl has captured his heart.

"I see they are not the only ones to fall for a Muzar." She stated sadly.

Dimitri nodded, "Ma'ma I can not marry Miss. Ozera."

"Dimka, you know this union has been set up since your birth. I know you don't love her. But there is no way to break this union."

"Actually mother, there is. I have known for some years now that it can't be and why, but I couldn't bring myself to tell you until I found someone I could love."

"Please Dimitri what is it?"

"As you know, father had many affairs." Dimitri tried starting. Olena nodded for him to continue. He started again, "Miss.Ozera had been coming to stay with our family since I was born and our union set, for us to get to know each other." Again Olena nodded. So far he was not telling her anything she did not already know.

"Throughout the years father fell in love with her himself. He knew that he could not break the union between you and marry her himself." Dimitri paused taking a deep breath then kept going. "When Miss. Ozera was 13 they started an affair. This affair went on for years. When she was 15 she became pregnant, her parents kept her home so no one would find out. Not long after the affair started father started making me watch, 'So I knew how to please her' he would tell me. Father visited her all through her pregnancy, taking me with him to 'continue my training'. Once the child was born, her parents kept it a secret, even from the child, passing him off as her brother. He kept this up until his passing." When Dimirti finished he was crying this was the first time he told anyone what his father made him watch. He hated his father for it.

Olena was shocked from hearing this. She knew his father was a cruel man, but she never though he would go this far. Olena hugged Dimirti letting him cry, getting it out after all these years. When he finally calmed down she told him she would break the union for him to marry Rose. Dimitri stayed for a week until the next ship was ready for its two months journey to America. His mother and younger sister, Viktoria, made the journey with him to meet the young lady whom stole his heart.

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