one kilometre

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"You know how online, people take breaks. From the world, from the overwhelming sensation of attention?" Armani looked to his right as his beloved Juliette lay beside him while they stared at the stars above. The only things in this world that were certain to stay.

"Is this your way of telling me that you're mad I didn't snapchat you that week I was away?" Juliette returned his gaze with a small smirk playing on her lips, referring to the time she received an angry text from Armani who was expressing his disappointment that she broke their 364 day streak. She wasn't fussed at all and believed that their relationship shouldn't be based off of a social media.

"No..." Armani dismissed with a hint of sarcasm, "it's just weird how if we die, they won't know we died. They'd think we'd just taken a break from the Internet." He sighed .

"Are you Armani or Dumbledore? Because you seem to be rolling out the philosophical speeches recently. I mean, the best I can do is 'Hakuna Matata." She sat up to cross her legs.

"But that's copyrighted!"

"Exactly." She laughed, she was amazed at their relationship. They had been dating since the age of 16 and are now 21 and getting ready to go to university.
Due to the decision of taking gap years so they can earn an income. They never fought or argued. They always seemed to know what each other needed and when, they were truly, picture perfect.

She wanted it to stay like that for as long as possible but the thing is; as humans we all, eventually, get bored. And it was a matter of time until he did too. But hey, at least time is relative.

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