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It's in the morning when Poe leaves for school, he opens the front door saying goodbye to his parents, when BB-8 comes out at the same time as he has no leash on him, his little dog runs away.

He runs after him to catch him but BB-8 is faster than Poe.

Poe goes into the house and closes the door saying "shiiiit...", he goes to see his parents.

Poe: Hey... Dad, mom. We got a big problem, BB-8 fled. He said on the edge of the panic, hands clinging to the head and curly hair curled up in his fingers.

Kes: Poe, calm down. Go to school, we'll find him, don't worry.

Poe thinks his parents don't understand what he feels and worries. He still goes to school but worries all day.

At the end of the school

Rey is eating her supper in the front steps of her house. She hears a bark further, a sharp bark.

She runs towards the road and sees the pound pick up a little red and white corgie.

Rey: Tal-ama parkwal! This is the language that Teedo speaks, the one who takes the little dog. "Sana tamakia!" She said running toward the truck.

She leans to unhook the necklace around the corgie in order to release it. She looks at Teedo shouting "Noma!"

Frustrated, he collects his belongings and re-embarks in his truck. The dog continues to bark after Teedo, and stops once Rey told him to shut up.

Rey: This is Teedo, he takes you to the pound and you can't go out, he kills you before. He respects nothing and nobody.

She crouched to caress the little dog.

Rey: Where do you come from? She looks behind his medal to check the address. "BB-8, you're lucky that i've found you, your master is my friend... What's wrong with me, i'm talking to a dog, who knows, maybe i'm crazy."

She gets up to go home with BB-8 following her.

She takes her phone to text Poe.

I have someone with me who will love to see you :)

Who's that?
Finn ?!

No, hint: it measures about 30cm high, it is white and red and leaves its hair everywhere. Who is it?

BB-8 !!!?
Where are you? I come to get him.

I'm in Jakku. In a field.

He went through a whole city to get to you ?!

Looks like it was.


Poe's parents further in the car, they wait for their son.

Poe: Thank you very much Rey. I worried all day.

Rey: I saw that, you didn't stop biting your nails.

Poe: Yeah... Thank you Rey.

Rey: You've already told me five times.

He smiles before going away with BB-8 in his arms and goes sit at the back of the car.

Shara: I knew it was her.

Poe: No, mom. It's not that.

Shara: Andor's daughter then? What her name is. Nickie?

Poe: It's Vicky, and no,  it's not her. It's Rey's best friend. A boy.

Shara: Okay. A BOY!!?!

4. Lightsaber Academy (English version) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now