the first time

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Your POV

Intrigued. Yeah, that was the word that could best describe how you felt when you first met him. Obi-Wan Kenobi. Little did you know the impact Obi-Wan would have on your life. How he would go from being a stranger in the library to so much more.

As a newly named Jedi knight, you were expected to go above and beyond in your life as a Jedi. In order to do so, it required lots of studying of light saber techniques, famous Jedi masters, and anything else in order to excel in your new life as a Knight. When you weren't on a mission, practicing or sleeping, you were usually pouring over ancient books and holograms in the library. You sat quietly, twisting your hair in your hand, reading a book about midi-chlorians that stemmed your interest, until you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You bookmarked your page and turned around to face a roughly ten year old boy, with sandy hair. " Excuse me, Jedi..." he trailed off, obviously not knowing your name. "Y/L/N" you finished, smiling warmly at the padawan. "And you are?" You asked, chuckling at his expression of relief. "I'm Padawan Anakin Skywalker." He replied, twiddling his thumbs. "Knight Y/L/N, could you help me reach a book that's on the top shelf over there?" He pointed, smiling. You nodded, and walked over to shelf where he pointed, glancing at the book. "How to construct your own light saber..... interesting" you said, looking at the Padawan. "Obi-Wan told me it would interest me, because I love building things! Back on Tatooine I built a whole protocol droid..." he went on, while you giggled. In the middle of his story, he noticed you laughing. "Oh, I'm sorry Knight Y/L/N! I didn't notice I was talking too much!" He said, bowing his head. "Please, call me Y/N. And it's no big deal." You summoned the force to retrieve the book, but before you could summon it to you, the book went flying of the shelf in the other direction. Anakin and you were puzzled, until you saw it land in the hand of a stranger. A tall stranger. A handsome stranger. You brushed those thoughts aside as he walked over to you and the padawan. "Anakin, I believe this is the book you are looking for?" He said, handing the leather bound book to Anakin, to which Anakin smiled widely. His Coruscanti accent was one like you've never heard before; he sounded like a true gentleman. "I'm Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. And you are?" He said turning from Anakin to you. "I'm Knight Y/N. Nice to meet you." You said, bowing to the man called Kenobi, and he returned the bow with a smug grin. "Thank you for helping my padawan. I'm sure this won't be the last time we meet." he said, patting Anakin on the shoulder. "Likewise." You replied, smiling at Anakin who was mesmerized by his book.
He was right. It wouldn't be.

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